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Problem ! Ktoś Przetłumaczy ?

Autor Wiadomość
Devil432 Offline

Liczba postów: 12
Dołączył: Mar 2010
Reputacja: 0 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #1
Bug Problem ! Ktoś Przetłumaczy ?
Wczoraj wieczorem wysłałem do lockerz emaila z pytaniem dlaczego nie działaja mi filmiki oczywiście w j. angielskim.
Oto odp. :
Hey there. This is B'Coz from the Lockerz team sending out a bulk responder
addressing the PLAY section of our site! Everyone please put down your
chill out a little bit, and read on.

We're reading a lot of emails at the moment from members in a states of
unstable panic, anxiety, and rage about some of the issues you're having
PLAY. We are approaching the final days of March Radness and people are
a bit emotional!

Here's what we know from the emails we're getting. Some international
right now can't view ANY of the videos at PLAY - not even videos that
watched previously - and none of the recently added videos. Most of you
the drill by now. You've cleared your browser's cache and cookies, you've
sure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed, you've
out PLAY in multiple browsers, and nothing is working.

It seems like most members can't even watch the Hallway videos and are
a "The selected item is not currently available" message. All the more
to know that these technical issues have nothing to do with PTZ because none
you get PTZ for having to watch Dave and Anthony everyday - although you
be rewarded for it!

Our tech team is looking into this. Up until today, the only issue we knew
with international members not being able to see videos at PLAY, was the
content is currently unavailable" audio message for the Bunnies, Robotech,
How It Should Have Ended videos.

As we've explained at the Hallway, we don't own the video content that we
to PLAY. We get permission, and artists and content providers decide what
allow, including things like what gets shown and where it can be shown.
particular videos have restricted permissions and we did not know this
they were posted.

To ensure that everyone is on a level playing field for the March Radness
competition, we will tally up all of the PTZ earned by Team U.S. for
these specific episodes and add that amount to Team International.

Even that has gotten us some heat! Team U.S. members think the contest is
rigged for Team International because we're tallying up their PTZ as
compensation for the problem. Team International thinks the contest is
for Team U.S. because they can't watch the videos. And they are mad about
missing out on PTZ for the redemption. We can't win :-) But one of these
teams will!

We assure everyone that we are not showing any favoritism to either side!
Radness was just something we thought would be fun for March - building off
Olympics and March Madness basketball in the U.S. We chose to do the thing
tallying up the U.S. PTZ for those videos, and adding them to Team
International's count, out of fairness to the international team that can't
watch those videos for the March Radness competition.

For our international friends, we understand that you and others will be
of individual PTZ for the redemption. We would ideally like to work things
with the content owners of those videos to make them playable to our
outside the U.S. - if we can do that, you can watch the videos and get
PTZ. But there are no plans for individual or mass PTZ credits to be given.

We are also aware of some issues that our friends in the U.K. are having
PLAY. If you've run into a problem with the ads overlapping the video
this should be temporarily resolved by clicking the ad. Then scroll the page
bit, the PLAY video should load, and you should be able to get your PTZ.
It's a
bit of a hassle and we apologize for that. We're trying to diagnose the
and again hope to have this fixed for you very soon!

We hope to get to the bottom of these problems with PLAY. As we work on
and ask for your patience, please make sure you have the latest version of
Adobe Flash Player installed from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/. Also
your cache and cookies if you haven't already - as you may have to do this
again once the problem has been fixed.

Some members have had success getting the videos to load after double
the black video screen.

Let us know if you don't get the captcha at the end of the video, or if you
then enter the info, and your PTZ don't calculate. If there is any video
you'd like to see at PLAY, please email your suggestion to [email protected]

We're obviously very excited about launching PLAY and most of the feedback
members has been unbelievably positive! But, as with anything when a site is
beta, there are still some bugs and glitches that we have to work through.
again appreciate your support and patience while Lockerz is in development!

Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]

Wielkie dzięki dla tego kto to przetłumaczy i oczywiście + .
22-03-2010 07:44
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Ania Online
Forumowy Maniak

Liczba postów: 1241
Dolaczyl: Jan 2012
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Poziom ostrzezen: 0%
Forum Gold: 215.61 [Dotacja]

Warto sprawdzić:
reedo Offline

Liczba postów: 311
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 434 +


(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #2
RE: Problem ! Ktoś Przetłumaczy ?
Cytat:Hey there. This is B'Coz from the Lockerz team sending out a bulk responder
addressing the PLAY section of our site! Everyone please put down your
chill out a little bit, and read on.

We're reading a lot of emails at the moment from members in a states of
unstable panic, anxiety, and rage about some of the issues you're having
PLAY. We are approaching the final days of March Radness and people are
a bit emotional!

Here's what we know from the emails we're getting. Some international
right now can't view ANY of the videos at PLAY - not even videos that
watched previously - and none of the recently added videos. Most of you
the drill by now. You've cleared your browser's cache and cookies, you've
sure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed, you've
out PLAY in multiple browsers, and nothing is working.

It seems like most members can't even watch the Hallway videos and are
a "The selected item is not currently available" message. All the more
to know that these technical issues have nothing to do with PTZ because none
you get PTZ for having to watch Dave and Anthony everyday - although you
be rewarded for it!

Our tech team is looking into this. Up until today, the only issue we knew
with international members not being able to see videos at PLAY, was the
content is currently unavailable" audio message for the Bunnies, Robotech,
How It Should Have Ended videos.

As we've explained at the Hallway, we don't own the video content that we
to PLAY. We get permission, and artists and content providers decide what
allow, including things like what gets shown and where it can be shown.
particular videos have restricted permissions and we did not know this
they were posted.

To ensure that everyone is on a level playing field for the March Radness
competition, we will tally up all of the PTZ earned by Team U.S. for
these specific episodes and add that amount to Team International.

Even that has gotten us some heat! Team U.S. members think the contest is
rigged for Team International because we're tallying up their PTZ as
compensation for the problem. Team International thinks the contest is
for Team U.S. because they can't watch the videos. And they are mad about
missing out on PTZ for the redemption. We can't win :-) But one of these
teams will!

We assure everyone that we are not showing any favoritism to either side!
Radness was just something we thought would be fun for March - building off
Olympics and March Madness basketball in the U.S. We chose to do the thing
tallying up the U.S. PTZ for those videos, and adding them to Team
International's count, out of fairness to the international team that can't
watch those videos for the March Radness competition.

For our international friends, we understand that you and others will be
of individual PTZ for the redemption. We would ideally like to work things
with the content owners of those videos to make them playable to our
outside the U.S. - if we can do that, you can watch the videos and get
PTZ. But there are no plans for individual or mass PTZ credits to be given.

We are also aware of some issues that our friends in the U.K. are having
PLAY. If you've run into a problem with the ads overlapping the video
this should be temporarily resolved by clicking the ad. Then scroll the page
bit, the PLAY video should load, and you should be able to get your PTZ.
It's a
bit of a hassle and we apologize for that. We're trying to diagnose the
and again hope to have this fixed for you very soon!

We hope to get to the bottom of these problems with PLAY. As we work on
and ask for your patience, please make sure you have the latest version of
Adobe Flash Player installed from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/. Also
your cache and cookies if you haven't already - as you may have to do this
again once the problem has been fixed.

Some members have had success getting the videos to load after double
the black video screen.

Let us know if you don't get the captcha at the end of the video, or if you
then enter the info, and your PTZ don't calculate. If there is any video
you'd like to see at PLAY, please email your suggestion to [email protected]

We're obviously very excited about launching PLAY and most of the feedback
members has been unbelievably positive! But, as with anything when a site is
beta, there are still some bugs and glitches that we have to work through.
again appreciate your support and patience while Lockerz is in development!

Cytat:Hej! Tutaj B'Coz z druzyny Lockerz wysylajacej odpowiedzi dotyczace sekcji PLAY naszej strony! Prosimy wszystkich o odlozonie broni, uspokojenie sie i przeczytanie tego, co napisalem.

Dostajemy teraz wiele maili na temat problemow, ktore wystepuja z sekcja PLAY, od uzytkownikow w stanie paniki, obawy i furii. Zblizamy sie do finalu March Radness i ludzie robia sie troche zbyt rozemocjonowani!

Oto wszystko czego dowiedzielismy sie z tych maili. Niektorzy zagraniczni uzytkownicy nie moga ogladac ZADNYCH filmikow w PLAY - nawet tych, ktore obejrzeli juz wczesniej ani zadnych z ostatnio dodanych. Wiekszosc z was wie o co chodzi. Wyczysciliscie cache i cookies waszej przegladarki, upewniliscie sie, ze macie zainstalowana najnowsza wersje Adobe Flash Player, probowaliscie na roznych przegladarkach, lecz nic to nie dalo.

Wyglada na to, ze wiekszosc uzytkownikow nie moze nawet ogladac filmikow z Hallway'a, otrzymuja oni wiadomosc "Wybrana pozycja nie jest aktualnie dostepna" ("The selected item is not currently available"). Gwoli wyjasnienia - akurat ta usterka techniczna ma sie nijak do punktow, poniewaz zaden uzytkownik Lockerz nie otrzymywal nigdy punktow za ogladanie Dave'a i Anthonego - chociaz powinniscie byc za to wynagradzani!

Nadz dzial techniczny przyglada sie tej usterce. Az do dzisiaj jedyna usterka, o ktorej wiedzielismy, to brak mozliwosci ogladania niektorych filmikow w PLAY przez uzytkownikow zagranicznych. Dotyczylo to serii Bunnies, Robotech, How It Should Have Ended. Uzytkownikow otrzymywal informacje, ze "Ta tresc jest aktualnie niedostepna" ("This content is currently unavailable").

Jak wyjasnialismy na Hallwayu, nie jestesmy posiadaczami filmikow, ktore wrzucamy do PLAY. Mamy odpowiednie pozwolenia, ale to artysci oraz ci, ktorzy dostarczyli materialy decyduja na co pozwolic - na to co ma byc pokazywane i komu. Na akurat te filmiki mamy ograniczone pozwolenia, lecz nie bylismy tego swiadomi do czasu ich umieszczenia na stronie.

By upewnic sie, ze March Radness przebiegnie w sposob prawidlowy i sprawiedliwy, podliczymy wszystkie punkty zarobione przez druzyne USA za ogladania tych wlasnie epizodow i dodamy je do punktow zgromadzonych przez druzyne miedzynarodowa.

Nawet to podgrzalo atmosfere! Druzyna USA mysli, ze konkurs jest ustawiony pod Druzyne Miedzynarodowa, poniewaz dajemy im punkty uzytkownikow z USA jako rekompensate za problem. Natomiast Druzyna Miedzynarodowa uwaza, ze konkurs jest ustawiony pod Druzyne USA, poniewaz nie moga ani ogladac filmikow. Ponadto sa wsciekli, ze beda mieli mniej punktow na restocku. My nie mozemy wygrac :-). Ale jedna z tych dwoch druzyn na pewno!

Zapewniamy wszystkich, ze nie faworyzujemy zadnej ze stron! March Radness ma byc czyms, co ma zapewnic zabawe w marcu. Zdecydowalismy sie na podliczenie punktow zdobytych za te filmiki przez druzyne USA i dodanie ich do puli druzyny miedzynarodowej, by zapewnic rowne szanse druzynie, ktora nie moze ogladac filmikow.

Uzytkownicy z zagranicy, rozumiemy wasze obawy, ze bedziecie mieli za malo punktow na restocku. Bedziemy pracowac nad wlascicielami materialow, by ci umozliwili ich odtwarzanie uzytkownikom spoza USA - jesli nam sie to uda, to bedziecie mogli obejrzec te filmiki i otrzymac za nie punkty. Nie ma jednak planow indywidualnego lub masowego dodania wam punktow za te filmiki. Przepraszamy.

Wiemy takze o paru problemach, ktore maja z zakladka PLAY mieszkancy Wielkiej Brytanii. Jesli zdarzy wam sie problem z zakrywaniem filmiku przez reklamy, to tymczasowym rozwiazaniem jest klikniecie na reklame. Nastepnie przewincie troche strone, wideo powinno sie zaladowac, a ty powinienes juz moc zdobyc swoje punkty. To troche skomplikowane i przepraszamy za to. Przygladamy sie temu problemowi i mamy nadzieje, ze zostanie on szybko naprawiony.

Mamy nadzieje, ze pozbedziemy sie tych problemow z PLAY. Gdy bedziemy nad tym pracowac, upewnijcie sie prosze, ze macie zainstalowana najnowsza wersje Adobe Flash Player z http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/. Ponadto, jesli jeszcze tego nie zrobiliscie, to wyczyscie cache i cookies waszej przegladarki.

Niektorym uzytkownikom udalo sie uruchomic wideo poprzed dwukrotne kliknicie na czarne tlo.

Jestesmy oczywiscie bardzo podekscytowani wlaczeniem PLAY, a co wiecej, wiekszosc opini naszych uzytkownikow jest niewiarygodnie pozytywna! Jednakze, poniewaz cala strona to jednak wersja beta, jest jeszcze pare bledow i usterek, nad ktorymi musimy popracowac. Jeszcze raz doceniamy wasze wsparcie i cierpliwosc w czasie, gdy Lockerz jest w fazie tworzenia.

Daj nam znac, jesli nie widzisz captchy po zakonczeniu filmiku, lub mimo poprawnego wypelnienia nie otrzymales punktow za filmiki. Jesli znasz jakies video, ktore chcialbys zobaczyc w PLAY, wyslij swoja propozycje na [email protected].
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 22-03-2010 09:12 przez reedo.)
22-03-2010 09:12
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arczyyy Offline

Liczba postów: 233
Dołączył: Mar 2010
Reputacja: 55 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #3
RE: Problem ! Ktoś Przetłumaczy ?
heh ciekawe ;p skoro oni za to nie odpowiadaja to czemu niby nie mozna ogladac filmikow przez proxy ? ^^
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 22-03-2010 11:17 przez arczyyy.)
22-03-2010 10:44
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Devil432 Offline

Liczba postów: 12
Dołączył: Mar 2010
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Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #4
RE: Problem ! Ktoś Przetłumaczy ?
Wielkie Dzięki ! Za przetłumaczenie . Oczywiście + .
22-03-2010 15:25
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