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Przetłumaczy ktoś?

Autor Wiadomość
alkvito Offline

Liczba postów: 16
Dołączył: Mar 2010
Reputacja: 1 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #1
Przetłumaczy ktoś?
Cytat:Sorry to hear about the problem you're having with your account. A small
percentage of our membership right now are having problems logging in to
account. There are a few things going on. Some member accounts are
a temporary outage that we're working on. Also, temporary log in problems
common after a redemption if members repeatedly refresh the site or have
repeated failed attempts to login. Our security filters temporarily block
IP address from accessing the site because they mistake this activity as an
attempted attack on the site. This doesn't mean your account has been
stolen/hacked, or lost, and it also doesn't mean that you've been

In most cases, the ban is lifted in a few days but there are a few things
can try until then. You may have already tried clearing your browser's
and cookies but keep doing that from time to time. Even after the problem
fixed on our end, you may not be able to get back into your account until
clear your browser's cache and cookies. Don't be afraid to try other
either. Right now, Lockerz only fully supports IE 8, Firefox, and Safari.
you have access to another computer at another location, see if you can
from another IP address, as that would tell us whether its an issue with
account or your IP address. It's also a good way to get your PTZ everyday
the situation with your IP address is resolved. You can also try resetting
modem and router if that's how you connect to the Internet. If your ISP
supplies you with a dynamic IP, switching your modem off and on should do a
quick IP renew for you and could resolve the issue. You could also try
resetting your password at http://www.lockerz.com/forgot. If you've
successfully changed your password, it may a few minutes to update before
can log in. Reply back if you're still having an issue logging in after
hours. Let us know what the error message that you're getting is. It would
be helpful if we knew your IP address. You can get this from
http://www.whatismyip.com. Your location would be helpful too. The more details we
have the better. This info would be passed on to our tech crew who will
into the problem you're having accessing Lockerz! Sorry for the trouble and
thank you for your support and patience while Lockerz is in development!

Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]
05-05-2010 09:51
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika Odpowiedz cytując ten post
Ania Online
Forumowy Maniak

Liczba postów: 1241
Dolaczyl: Jan 2012
Reputacja: 1712

Poziom ostrzezen: 0%
Forum Gold: 215.61 [Dotacja]

Warto sprawdzić:
reedo Offline

Liczba postów: 311
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 434 +


(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #2
RE: Przetłumaczy ktoś?
Cytat:Sorry to hear about the problem you're having with your account. A small
percentage of our membership right now are having problems logging in to
their account. There are a few things going on. Some member accounts are experiencing a temporary outage that we're working on. Also, temporary log in problems are common after a redemption if members repeatedly refresh the site or have repeated failed attempts to login. Our security filters temporarily block your IP address from accessing the site because they mistake this activity as an attempted attack on the site. This doesn't mean your account has been stolen/hacked, or lost, and it also doesn't mean that you've been permanently banned.

In most cases, the ban is lifted in a few days but there are a few things
you can try until then. You may have already tried clearing your browser's
cache and cookies but keep doing that from time to time. Even after the problem is fixed on our end, you may not be able to get back into your account until you clear your browser's cache and cookies. Don't be afraid to try other browsers either. Right now, Lockerz only fully supports IE 8, Firefox, and Safari. If you have access to another computer at another location, see if you can login from another IP address, as that would tell us whether its an issue with your account or your IP address. It's also a good way to get your PTZ everyday until
the situation with your IP address is resolved. You can also try resetting
your modem and router if that's how you connect to the Internet. If your ISP supplies you with a dynamic IP, switching your modem off and on should do a quick IP renew for you and could resolve the issue. You could also try resetting your password at http://www.lockerz.com/forgot. If you've successfully changed your password, it may a few minutes to update before you can log in. Reply back if you're still having an issue logging in after 48-72 hours. Let us know what the error message that you're getting is. It would also be helpful if we knew your IP address. You can get this from http://www.whatismyip.com. Your location would be helpful too. The more details we have the better. This info would be passed on to our tech crew who will look into the problem you're having accessing Lockerz! Sorry for the trouble and thank you for your support and patience while Lockerz is in development!

Cytat:Przykro nam slyszec, ze masz jakies klopoty ze swoim kontem. Maly procent uzytkownikow ma teraz problem z zalogowaniem sie na swoje konta. Moze byc to spowodowane kilkoma rzeczami. Niektore konta nie sa chwilowo dostepne, ale pracujemy nad rozwiazaniem tego problemu. Ponadto czasowy brak mozliwosci zalogowania czesto wystepuje po restocku, gdy dany uzytkownik bardzo czesto odswiezal nasza strone lub kilkukrotnie nie udalo mu sie na nia zalogowac. Nasze filtry bezpieczenstwa czasowo blokuje twoje IP, poniewaz blednie interpretuja twoja dzialania jak probe ataku na strone. Nie oznacza to, ze twoje konto zostalo skradzione/zhakowane lub całkowicie zbanowane.

W wiekszosci przypadkow ban zdejmowany jest w przeciagu kilku dni, ale jest kilka rzeczy, ktore mozesz zrobic juz teraz. Pewnie juz wyczysciles cache i cookies twojej przegladarki, ale rob to dalej od czasu do czasu. Nawet gdy problem zostanie naprawiony po naszej stronie, to moze sie okazac, ze nie bedziesz mogl sie zalogowac na swoje konto dopoki nie wyczyscisz cache i cokkies. Mozesz takze sprobowac innej przegladarki. Lockerz w pelni wspiera tylko IE8, Firefoxa i Safari. Jesli masz dostep do innego komputera znajdujacego sie w innej niz twoja lokacji, to sprawdz czy mozesz sie z niego zalogowac. Dowiesz sie wtedy, czy usterka dotyczy twojego konta czy twojego adresu IP. Jest to tez dobry sposob na zdobywanie punktow do czasu, gdy twoj problem z IP zostanie rozwiazany. Mozesz takze sprobowac zresetowac twoj modem lub router. Jesli masz zmienny adres IP, to wylaczenie i wlaczenie modem spowoduje przydzielenie nowego IP i byc moze rozwiaze to twoj problem. Mozesz takze sprobowac zresetowac swoje haslo poprzez strone http://www.lockerz.com/forgot. Jesli uda ci sie zmienic haslo, to i tak bedziesz musial odczekac pare minut zanim uda ci sie zalogowac. Odpowiedz na teog maila, jesli twoje problemy z zalogowaniem nie znikna w przeciagu 48-72 godzin. Napisz tez tresc komunikatu z bledem, ktory otrzymujesz. Pomocne dla nas bedzie takze podanie twojego adresu IP. Mozesz go sprawdzic na http://www.whatismyip.com. Podaj takze przyblizone miejsce zamieszkania. Im wiecej podasz nam informacji tym lepiej. Informacje te zostana przekazane naszemu dzialowi technicznego, ktory przyjrzy sie twojemu problemowi z dostepem do Lockerz. Przepraszamy za usterki i dziekujemy ci za twoja cierpliwosc i wspieranie Lockerz w fazie rozwoju!
06-05-2010 16:12
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika Odpowiedz cytując ten post
alkvito Offline

Liczba postów: 16
Dołączył: Mar 2010
Reputacja: 1 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #3
RE: Przetłumaczy ktoś?
Dzięki, plus leci
06-05-2010 20:12
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