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Coś długiego prosze o przetłumaczenie !

Autor Wiadomość
DJAd1 Offline
Stały Bywalec

Liczba postów: 570
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 176 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #1
Coś długiego prosze o przetłumaczenie !
Cytat:Regarding recent redeemed prizes, everything should be fine as long as your
were deducted. It may take us a few weeks to confirm, process, and ship
prizes as all accounts have to be run through our fraud screening first to
sure that only members using legitimately earned PTZ, with no cheating,
prizes sent to them. This has taken longer than usual due to the fact that
we've had more frequent redemptions and accounts have to be reviewed any
someone redeems at PTZ Place, has the highest bid on a 24/7 auction, or
PTZ for a discount at SHOP.

All confirmations for redemptions up to the 2/25 redemption should have
received by now. If you haven't received your confirmation, don't panic,
doesn't necessarily mean you were canceled out. Sometimes your email filter
reject our email or send it into your Spam or Junk folder. 24/7 prize
confirmations are going out at a quicker pace and should be received within
same week you win your bid. We hope to have confirmations for the 2/25
redemption sent within the next 7-10 business days.

If you haven't received a confirmation that your prize was approved within
weeks of the date you redeemed, please reply back with the full name listed
the shipping address, your Lockerz account email address, the date you
redeemed, the PTZ deducted, and the item you redeemed. Make sure you
specify if
you won a PTZ Place redemption or 24/7 auction.


A few weeks after your confirmation, you'll receive a shipping
with a tracking number, if you redeemed a prize that will be physically
We do our best to ship prizes via USPS but we can't guarantee or promise
this -
they sometimes have to be shipped through UPS.

Backordered Items

Some members have been waiting a few months for prizes that haven't shipped
due to inventory issues. Certain Apple products, games, and t-shirts may
delayed a few weeks as we clear up inventory issues but anything
right now should ship within the next 14 business days. If we can't ship
due to
an inventory problem, you will be offered either the PayPal equivalent or a
credit - you have to receive this offer from us - we can't take requests
substitute your prize this far along into processing, sorry.

International members

Please note that Lockerz new policy of sending you the PayPal or AlertPay
equivalent rather than the prize you redeemed did not go into effect until
February 25th. Therefore any prize that was redeemed prior to February
must be shipped since it's too late to stop processing at this point. Only
members who received the offer to accept a PayPal substitute for their
and accepted that offer by the deadline, can receive PayPal instead of
prize. We send prizes as "gifts" to minimize customs, duties, and taxes. We
to send packages through USPS whenever possible but we may sometimes have
ship through UPS for insurance reasons. It's illegal for us to misrepresent
contents or value of the contents of your package.


Any prize that is sent electronically straight to your computer, like
movie or gift card codes, will be sent to you a few weeks after you
confirmation as well. We've had some technical problems sending the Kinect
Decalz Bundle that we hope to have taken care of soon. Once your Decalz
sent, make sure you click on "My Locker", and then SHOP on the side panel,
you should see your decals and decide which ones to add to your profile.
reply back if you're still missing your Decalz 10 business days after your
confirmation email and we will check status.


Paypal deposits will be sent to the email tied to your Lockerz account.
will receive an email stating that we have sent funds to you. You then
that link to claim your payment. It will lead you to login to your PayPal

We understand that some members might have a Paypal account that is not
same as their Lockerz email. If this applies to you, you should be able to
your Lockerz email address to that account at
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cm...file-email .

We apologize for the delay. We appreciate your patience and we're taking
necessary steps to eliminate these kinds of delays moving forward to
your overall Lockerz experience.
10-03-2011 13:48
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
Ania Online
Forumowy Maniak

Liczba postów: 1241
Dolaczyl: Jan 2012
Reputacja: 1712

Poziom ostrzezen: 0%
Forum Gold: 215.61 [Dotacja]

Warto sprawdzić:
Mateusz5511 Offline

Liczba postów: 1,378
Dołączył: Mar 2010
Reputacja: 327 +

Galeria Wygranych: Tutaj

(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 34.00
Post: #2
RE: Coś długiego prosze o przetłumaczenie !
taaaa rozmawiasz z botem Big Grin
10-03-2011 14:21
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
DJAd1 Offline
Stały Bywalec

Liczba postów: 570
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 176 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #3
RE: Coś długiego prosze o przetłumaczenie !
Kurde to lipa Tongue
10-03-2011 14:25
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
Admin Offline

Liczba postów: 21,666
Dołączył: Oct 2009
Reputacja: 10031 +

Galeria Wygranych: Tutaj

(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 2,842.95
Post: #4
RE: Coś długiego prosze o przetłumaczenie !
(10-03-2011 13:48)DJAd1 napisał(a):  Regarding recent redeemed prizes, everything should be fine as long as your
were deducted. It may take us a few weeks to confirm, process, and ship
prizes as all accounts have to be run through our fraud screening first to
sure that only members using legitimately earned PTZ, with no cheating,
prizes sent to them. This has taken longer than usual due to the fact that
we've had more frequent redemptions and accounts have to be reviewed any
someone redeems at PTZ Place, has the highest bid on a 24/7 auction, or
PTZ for a discount at SHOP.

Dostałeś wiadomość z automatu dlatego przetlumacze co najistotniejsze, napisali Ci że jeśli straciłeś punkty z konta to musisz poczekać kilka tygodni na potwierdzenie i wysyłke nagrody.
Sprawdza twoje punkty czy byly legalne nim to zrobia. Zajmnie to duzo czasu z uwagi na bardzo wiele wygranych w 24/7 i shopie.

(10-03-2011 13:48)DJAd1 napisał(a):  All confirmations for redemptions up to the 2/25 redemption should have
received by now. If you haven't received your confirmation, don't panic,
doesn't necessarily mean you were canceled out. Sometimes your email filter
reject our email or send it into your Spam or Junk folder. 24/7 prize
confirmations are going out at a quicker pace and should be received within
same week you win your bid. We hope to have confirmations for the 2/25
redemption sent within the next 7-10 business days.

Wszystkie potwierdzenia za restocki do 25 lutego powinny byc juz dostarczone. Jesli nie masz go nie pankuj nie jest Ci potrzebne i nie oznacza ze anulowalismy Ci nagrode. Czasem emaile maja filtry blokujace nasze maile i maga trafic do spamu. Maja nadzieje ze potwierdzenia za 25 luty zostana wysłane w ciągu najbliższych 7-10 dni biznesowych.

(10-03-2011 13:48)DJAd1 napisał(a):  If you haven't received a confirmation that your prize was approved within
weeks of the date you redeemed, please reply back with the full name listed
the shipping address, your Lockerz account email address, the date you
redeemed, the PTZ deducted, and the item you redeemed. Make sure you
specify if
you won a PTZ Place redemption or 24/7 auction.

Jeśli nie dostałeś potwierdzenia o tym że nagroda została zatwierdzona w
ciągu ostatnich czterech tygodni od daty jej zamówienia to prosimy o maila z informacjami na temat nazwy wygranej, adresu wysyłki, konta Lockerz adres e-mail, data zamowienia i liczby zabranych PTZ. Upewnij się, aby określić, czy wygrałeś na restocku czy w 24 / 7 .

(10-03-2011 13:48)DJAd1 napisał(a):  PRIZES THAT SHIP

A few weeks after your confirmation, you'll receive a shipping
with a tracking number, if you redeemed a prize that will be physically
We do our best to ship prizes via USPS but we can't guarantee or promise
this -
they sometimes have to be shipped through UPS.

Sposob wysylki - spam i sciema bo tracking numerow juz nie wysylaja.

(10-03-2011 13:48)DJAd1 napisał(a):  Backordered Items

Some members have been waiting a few months for prizes that haven't shipped
due to inventory issues. Certain Apple products, games, and t-shirts may
delayed a few weeks as we clear up inventory issues but anything
right now should ship within the next 14 business days. If we can't ship
due to
an inventory problem, you will be offered either the PayPal equivalent or a
credit - you have to receive this offer from us - we can't take requests
substitute your prize this far along into processing, sorry.

Niektorzy czekaja pare miesiecy bo lockerz nie ma sprzetu, czekaja na komponenty appla gry t-shirty opoznienie moze trwac jeszcze pare tygodnie nim sie pozbieraja ale wszystko do Nas dotrze. Jesli sprzetu nie zalatwia zaoferuja rownowartosc w paypalu.

(10-03-2011 13:48)DJAd1 napisał(a):  International members

Please note that Lockerz new policy of sending you the PayPal or AlertPay
equivalent rather than the prize you redeemed did not go into effect until
February 25th. Therefore any prize that was redeemed prior to February
must be shipped since it's too late to stop processing at this point. Only
members who received the offer to accept a PayPal substitute for their
and accepted that offer by the deadline, can receive PayPal instead of
prize. We send prizes as "gifts" to minimize customs, duties, and taxes. We
to send packages through USPS whenever possible but we may sometimes have
ship through UPS for insurance reasons. It's illegal for us to misrepresent
contents or value of the contents of your package.

Tego tlumaczyc nie trzeba. Bo zapewne wiesz o co chodzi - europa otrzymuje paypale jako refundacje (wiecej w newsach - ten sam text tlumaczony.)

(10-03-2011 13:48)DJAd1 napisał(a):  DIGITAL PRIZES

Any prize that is sent electronically straight to your computer, like
movie or gift card codes, will be sent to you a few weeks after you
confirmation as well. We've had some technical problems sending the Kinect
Decalz Bundle that we hope to have taken care of soon. Once your Decalz
sent, make sure you click on "My Locker", and then SHOP on the side panel,
you should see your decals and decide which ones to add to your profile.
reply back if you're still missing your Decalz 10 business days after your
confirmation email and we will check status.

Elektroniczne nagrody takie jak komputery, filmy czy gift cards do paru tygodni po otrzymaniu przez Ciebie potwierdzenia. A jesli ktos zamowil decale to ma wybrac je w swoim profilu na lockerz jesli dalej ich nie ma to do 10 dni roboczych po otrzymaniu przez Ciebie potwierdzenia sprawdza Twoj status.

(10-03-2011 13:48)DJAd1 napisał(a):  PAYPAL PRIZES

Paypal deposits will be sent to the email tied to your Lockerz account.
will receive an email stating that we have sent funds to you. You then
that link to claim your payment. It will lead you to login to your PayPal

We understand that some members might have a Paypal account that is not
same as their Lockerz email. If this applies to you, you should be able to
your Lockerz email address to that account at
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cm...file-email .

We apologize for the delay. We appreciate your patience and we're taking
necessary steps to eliminate these kinds of delays moving forward to
your overall Lockerz experience.
Kasa z paypali wysylana na ten sam email co w lockerz, jesli nie mamy to mamy to ustawic tutaj https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cm...ile-email.

[Obrazek: zarabiam.com.png]
Glosy: DJAd1 (+1)
10-03-2011 14:40
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
DJAd1 Offline
Stały Bywalec

Liczba postów: 570
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 176 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #5
RE: Coś długiego prosze o przetłumaczenie !
Wielkie Dzięki !!! To się nazywa fachowa robota Smile rep+
10-03-2011 15:07
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika
Admin Offline

Liczba postów: 21,666
Dołączył: Oct 2009
Reputacja: 10031 +

Galeria Wygranych: Tutaj

(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 2,842.95
Post: #6
Coś długiego prosze o przetłumaczenie !
Wątek zostaje zamknięty, ponieważ moderator uznał że temat został wyczerpany bądź rozwiązany. Jeśli posiadasz nowe pytania prosimy o założenie kolejnego tematu.

[Obrazek: zarabiam.com.png]
11-03-2011 15:03
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