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Proszę o przetłumaczenie

Autor Wiadomość
Davids69 Offline

Liczba postów: 142
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 15 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #1
Proszę o przetłumaczenie
Napisałem do lockerz że koszuka mi nie dochodzi. A oni błyskawicznie mi przysłali tą wiadomość(proszę o przetłumaczenie):

Cytat:Congratulations on making Z-List! Z-List t-shirts were backlogged this past
month as we were waiting for more shirts to be printed. The good news is we now
have more super comfy tees printed and waiting to be shipped from the
warehouse. We do ask for your patience as we have some backlog to catch up on -
but you should receive a shipping confirmation in the next 4-6 weeks.

If you haven't done so already, please update your Account Settings in the My
Account section of Lockerz. We need your full name, shipping address (house
number and street name), gender, and t-shirt size. Line 1 of your street
address can hold 30 characters - if your address is longer than that, or if you
have an apartment number, add it to line 2. If you're outside the U.S. or
Canada, we DEFINITELY need your phone number to ship a t-shirt to you as it's
required by our shipping company. If you're having difficulties with your phone
number saving, please try adding your country's international calling code to
the beginning of your phone number. You can find your country's code at
http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/countrylist.php Please use standard English
letters. "Ë" should be "E," and "?" should be "a." Be sure to select your
Country in the drop down menu. If you live in United States, Brazil, Argentina,
India, Austria, China, Germany, Canada: Please put your state or province
abbreviation in the state code field. For example, CA for California, ON for
Ontario, SP for Sao Paulo. Don't use periods or any punctuation. If you are in
any other country: please use your country code in the state field. You can
locate your country code at http://www.theodora.com/country_digraphs.html.
Reply back to this email if you're still without your shirt or a shipping
confirmation 5 to 6 weeks from now - I'll check out your shirt's status then.
Also, if you've been waiting on your t-shirt longer than 4 months, or if you
haven't received your shirt after getting a shipping confirmation more than 4
weeks ago, message me back as there may be another issue with your shirt that
needs investigated. In most cases, this issue is your shipping details. So
double check your shipping info! As mentioned at the Hallway, these shirts will
soon be collectors items, since members who make the Z-List after March 19 will
be given a new prize (and more perks) instead of a t-shirt. But we'll be
sending-shirts to everyone who makes the Z-list by March 19 at 6 PM Eastern
time. We think our new Z-List prizes and perks will be loved as much as the
shirt, if not more. Once you get your shipping confirmation, if you're in the
U.S., it can take 7-10 days to receive your shirt. Our international members
should have their tee within 3-4 weeks of receiving their confirmation. Thank
you for your patience and loyalty to
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 12-03-2010 05:29 przez Davids69.)
12-03-2010 05:28
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Ania Online
Forumowy Maniak

Liczba postów: 1241
Dolaczyl: Jan 2012
Reputacja: 1712

Poziom ostrzezen: 0%
Forum Gold: 215.61 [Dotacja]

Warto sprawdzić:
reedo Offline

Liczba postów: 311
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 434 +


(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #2
RE: Proszę o przetłumaczenie
Cytat:Congratulations on making Z-List! Z-List t-shirts were backlogged this past
month as we were waiting for more shirts to be printed. The good news is we now
have more super comfy tees printed and waiting to be shipped from the
warehouse. We do ask for your patience as we have some backlog to catch up on -
but you should receive a shipping confirmation in the next 4-6 weeks.

If you haven't done so already, please update your Account Settings in the My
Account section of Lockerz. We need your full name, shipping address (house
number and street name), gender, and t-shirt size. Line 1 of your street
address can hold 30 characters - if your address is longer than that, or if you
have an apartment number, add it to line 2. If you're outside the U.S. or
Canada, we DEFINITELY need your phone number to ship a t-shirt to you as it's
required by our shipping company. If you're having difficulties with your phone
number saving, please try adding your country's international calling code to
the beginning of your phone number. You can find your country's code at
http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/countrylist.php Please use standard English
letters. "Ë" should be "E," and "?" should be "a." Be sure to select your
Country in the drop down menu. If you live in United States, Brazil, Argentina,
India, Austria, China, Germany, Canada: Please put your state or province
abbreviation in the state code field. For example, CA for California, ON for
Ontario, SP for Sao Paulo. Don't use periods or any punctuation. If you are in
any other country: please use your country code in the state field. You can
locate your country code at http://www.theodora.com/country_digraphs.html.

Reply back to this email if you're still without your shirt or a shipping
confirmation 5 to 6 weeks from now - I'll check out your shirt's status then.
Also, if you've been waiting on your t-shirt longer than 4 months, or if you
haven't received your shirt after getting a shipping confirmation more than 4
weeks ago, message me back as there may be another issue with your shirt that
needs investigated. In most cases, this issue is your shipping details. So
double check your shipping info! As mentioned at the Hallway, these shirts will
soon be collectors items, since members who make the Z-List after March 19 will
be given a new prize (and more perks) instead of a t-shirt. But we'll be
sending-shirts to everyone who makes the Z-list by March 19 at 6 PM Eastern
time. We think our new Z-List prizes and perks will be loved as much as the
shirt, if not more. Once you get your shipping confirmation, if you're in the
U.S., it can take 7-10 days to receive your shirt. Our international members
should have their tee within 3-4 weeks of receiving their confirmation.

Cytat:Gratulacje z powodu zostania Z-Listerem! Mielismy w tym miesiacu opoznienie w wysylce koszulek, poniewaz czekalismy na ich nowa dostawe. Dobre wiesci sa takie, ze mamy juz wiecej super wygodnych koszulek, ktore czekaja na wyslanie z naszego magazynu. Mamy troche papierkowej roboty, ale powinienes otrzymac potwierdzenie wysylki w przeciagu 4-6 tygodni.

Jesli jeszcze tego nie zrobiles, to uaktualnij prosze swoje dane adresowe w zakladce My Account. Potrzebujemy twojego pelnego imienia i nazwiska, danych adresowych (numer domu i nazwa ulicy), płci i rozmiaru koszulki. Pierwsze pole adresu moze zmiescic maksymalnie 30 znakow - jesli twoj adres jest dluzszy to dodaj go do pola drugiego.Jesli mieszkasz poza USA lub Kanada to koniecznie musisz podac swoj numer telefonu, poniewaz jest on wymagany przez firme, ktora dostarcza nasze przesylki. Jesli masz problemu z zapisanie swojego numeru telefonu, sprobuj dodac do jego poczatku miedzynarody prefiks. Mozesz znalezc kod swojego panstwa na http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/countrylist.php (format telefonu 0048xxxxxxxxx). Uzywaj prosze standardowych znakow angielskiego alfabetu (bez ą,ę, itp.).

Teraz nastepuje fragment niestotny dla uzytkownikow z Polski. I dalej:

Jesli nie otrzymasz potwierdzenia wysylki za 5-6 tygodni liczac od teraz, to odpowiedz wtedy na tego maila - sprawdze wtedy status twojej koszulki. Jesli czekasz na swoja koszulke dluzej niz 4 miesiace, lub nie otrzymales jej mimo, iz od wyslania potwierdzenia minely wiecej niz 4 tygodnie, to takze odpowiedz na tego maila, poniewaz moga byc jakies problemy z twoja koszulka, ktorym musimy sie przyjrzec. W wiekszosci przypadkow chodzi o problemy z danymi adresowymi. Sprawdz wiec dwukrotnie swoje dane! Jak wspominalismy na Hallwayu, te koszulki stana sie niedlugo przedmiotami kolekcjonerskimi, poniewaz uzytkownicy, ktorzy zostana Z-Listerami po 19 marca otrzymaja nowa nagrode (i wiecej przywilejow) zamiast koszulki. Bedziemy jednak wysylac koszulki do kazdego, kto zostanie Z-Listerem do 6 PM czasu wschodniego 19 Marca. Sadzimy, ze nasze nowe nagrody i przywileje dla Z-Listerow zostana przyjete tak samo cieplo jak stara koszulka, o ile nie bardziej. Gdy juz otrzymasz potwierdzenia wysylki, to jesli mieszkasz w USA powinno uplynac 7-10 dni zanim otrzymasz swoja koszulke. Nasi uzytkownicy z zagranicy powinni otrzymac t-shirty w przeciagu 3-4 tygodni od otrzymania potwierdzenia.
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 12-03-2010 15:14 przez reedo.)
12-03-2010 15:11
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