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Mail w zwiazku z uzyskaniem statusu Z-list ;)

Autor Wiadomość
Rambot1c Offline

Liczba postów: 61
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 4 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #1
Mail w zwiazku z uzyskaniem statusu Z-list ;)
Prosze o przetlumaczenie mi maila, ktorego dostalem od lockerz w sprawie Z-list.

Dear Lockerz Member,

Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of early members who discovered Lockerz before our official launch. As a member of the Z-List, you will enjoy lots of benefits, including a free Lockerz t-shirt.

Before we can ship your Z-List t-shirt, you must verify and update your account settings by 7:00 AM EST, Friday, 12 March 2010. If your address is not verified, chances are we will not be able to send out your free Lockerz t-shirt. You can locate your settings in the top right of your Lockerz page under 'My Account'.

If your mailing address is accepted at the deadline above you will receive a shipping confirmation within 4-6 weeks.

Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-List status. Check out PLAY, our newest feature, where you'll earn 4 PTZ for watching videos. Stay tuned as we introduce even more ways for you to earn and use PTZ.

The Lockerz Crew

How to:

To update your address enter into 'My Account' located at the top right of your Lockerz page. To receive your Z-List T-shirt you must supply us with:

First Name
Last Name (Surname)

Country: United States of America (USA)
Address 1: 123 Lockerz Street
*Address 2: Apt. 4
City: Pittsburgh
State/Province: PA
Zip/Postal Code: 15222

Gender: Male
T-shirt Size: Large

* Use this line if you need additional space to write your address

Your address must be in standard English lettering. For example, "Ë" should be "E," and "?" should be "a."

After you fill in these address fields click "Submit" at the bottom of the page to save your settings.

Your mailing address can be found on any piece of mail that you receive at your home. Use the appropriate fields to accommodate your local address.

If you have any problems or questions please contact [email protected]

If you miss the deadline your shirt will still be processed at a later date upon request.

Pittsburgh, PA, USA
12-03-2010 19:23
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika Odpowiedz cytując ten post
Ania Online
Forumowy Maniak

Liczba postów: 1241
Dolaczyl: Jan 2012
Reputacja: 1712

Poziom ostrzezen: 0%
Forum Gold: 215.61 [Dotacja]

Warto sprawdzić:
Yanke$ Offline
Forumowy Maniak

Liczba postów: 1,605
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 608 +

Galeria Wygranych: Tutaj

(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #2
RE: Mail w zwiazku z uzyskaniem statusu Z-list ;)
Dear Lockerz Member,

Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of early members who discovered Lockerz before our official launch. As a member of the Z-List, you will enjoy lots of benefits, including a free Lockerz t-shirt.

Before we can ship your Z-List t-shirt, you must verify and update your account settings by 7:00 AM EST, Friday, 12 March 2010. If your address is not verified, chances are we will not be able to send out your free Lockerz t-shirt. You can locate your settings in the top right of your Lockerz page under 'My Account'.

If your mailing address is accepted at the deadline above you will receive a shipping confirmation within 4-6 weeks.

Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-List status. Check out PLAY, our newest feature, where you'll earn 4 PTZ for watching videos. Stay tuned as we introduce even more ways for you to earn and use PTZ.

The Lockerz Crew

How to:

To update your address enter into 'My Account' located at the top right of your Lockerz page. To receive your Z-List T-shirt you must supply us with:

First Name
Last Name (Surname)

Country: United States of America (USA)
Address 1: 123 Lockerz Street
*Address 2: Apt. 4
City: Pittsburgh
State/Province: PA
Zip/Postal Code: 15222

Gender: Male
T-shirt Size: Large

* Use this line if you need additional space to write your address

Your address must be in standard English lettering. For example, "Ë" should be "E," and "?" should be "a."

After you fill in these address fields click "Submit" at the bottom of the page to save your settings.

Your mailing address can be found on any piece of mail that you receive at your home. Use the appropriate fields to accommodate your local address.

If you have any problems or questions please contact [email protected]

If you miss the deadline your shirt will still be processed at a later date upon request.

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Gratulujemy zostania Z-Listerem. Stałeś się członkiem bardzo ekskluzywnej grupy itd. to akurat mało ważne, liczy się to, że to jest właściwe potwierdzenie koszulki ! Gratuluję, kolego Smile I miłego noszenia T-Shirta.
Radzą jeszcze, żebyś sprawdził dane w razie czego. A jak tak to gitez.

mam pytanie prywatne - ile czasu od ostatniej akceptacji czekałeś na tego mejla ?
12-03-2010 19:39
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika Odpowiedz cytując ten post
reedo Offline

Liczba postów: 311
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 434 +


(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #3
RE: Mail w zwiazku z uzyskaniem statusu Z-list ;)
Cytat:Dear Lockerz Member,

Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of early members who discovered Lockerz before our official launch. As a member of the Z-List, you will not enjoy lots of benefits, including a free Lockerz t-shirt.

Before we can ship your Z-List t-shirt, you must verify and update your account settings by 7:00 AM EST, Friday, 26 FEB 2010. If your address is not verified, chances are we will not be able to send out your free Lockerz t-shirt. You can locate your settings in the top right of your Lockerz page under 'My Account'.

If your mailing address is accepted at the deadline above you will receive a shipping confirmation within 4-6 weeks.

Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-List status. Check out PLAY, our newest feature, where you'll earn 4 PTZ for watching videos. Stay tuned as we introduce even more ways for you to earn and use PTZ.

Cytat:Drogi uzytkowniku Lockerz,
Gratulacje z okazji zostania Z-Listerem. Jestes teraz czlonkiem bardzo ekskluzywnej grupy ludzi, ktorzy odkryli Lockerz przed oficjalnym startem strony. Jako Z-Lister uzyskasz wiele przywilejow, wlaczajac w to darmowa koszulke Lockerz.

Zanim bedziemy mogli wyslac ci twoja koszulke, musisz zweryfikowac i uaktualnic twoje dane (przed 7:00 AM EST, piatek, 12 marca 2010). Jesli twoj adres nie bedzie prawidlowy, istnieje duze prawdopodobieństwo, ze nie bedziemy w stanie wyslac ci twojej koszulki. Swoj adres mozesz zmienic poprzez znajdujace sie w prawym gornym rogu strony "My Account".

Jesli twoj adres zostanie zaakceptowany do czasu ostatecznego termu, to otrzymasz potwierdzenie wysylki w 4-6 tygodni.

Dziekuje za bycie uzytkownikiem Lockerz i za zdobycie statusu Z-List. Sprawdz zakladke PLAY, nasza najnowsza funkcje, w ktorej mozesz zdobyc 4 PTZ za obejrzenie kazdego wideo. Badz czujny, poniewaz wprowadzimy jeszcze wiecej sposob na zdobywanie i wykorzystywanie punktow.

Dalej jest napisane jak poprawnie uzupelnic dane.

+ warta przetlumaczenia koncowka:

Cytat:If you miss the deadline your shirt will still be processed at a later date upon request.

Cytat:Gdy nie zweryfikujesz (nie poprawisz) swojego adresu przed ostatecznym terminem, twoja koszulka zostanie wyslana pozniej.
12-03-2010 19:51
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika Odpowiedz cytując ten post
Rambot1c Offline

Liczba postów: 61
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 4 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #4
RE: Mail w zwiazku z uzyskaniem statusu Z-list ;)
Yankes. Okolo tygodnia. Smile

Dzieki wszystkim ;P
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 12-03-2010 20:09 przez Rambot1c.)
12-03-2010 20:09
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika Odpowiedz cytując ten post

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