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forum o zarabianiu przez internet

Witaj! Nie bez powodu trafiłeś na największe w Polsce Forum o Zarabianiu przez internet! Tutaj gromadzimy pasjonatów zdobywania pieniędzy online i dajemy możliwość poznania tajników pracy w domu. Coraz więcej osób poszukuje sposobów na zarabianie w sieci, co sprawia, że praca w domu przez internet staje się atrakcyjnym źródłem dochodu. W dzisiejszych czasach, zarabianie online to nie tylko alternatywa, ale często również znakomita opcja do tradycyjnej pracy na etacie. Czy zastanawiasz się, jak łatwo zarobić pieniądze? Jeśli tak, to właściwe miejsce! Internet jest pełen możliwości, a my jesteśmy tutaj, aby Ci pomóc, dzieląc się wiedzą i doświadczeniami.

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Mail dotyczący nie działających flimików

Autor Wiadomość
popis1 Offline

Liczba postów: 60
Dołączył: Mar 2010
Reputacja: 43 +

Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #1
Mail dotyczący nie działających flimików
Hey there. This is B'Coz from the Lockerz team sending out a bulk responder
addressing the PLAY section of our site! If this response doesn't help you with
your specific problem, please reply back, let me know what specific issue
you're having, and I'll do my best to help you as quickly as possible.

First, from quickly scanning through some of your emails, many members are
sending us some great suggestions for videos they'd like to see on PLAY. If
there is any video that you'd like to see at PLAY, please email your suggestion
to [email protected] for consideration!

Video links were broken this morning but should be fixed by now. If you're
still having a problem viewing videos - please clear your browser's cache and

We recently added some new videos to PLAY. Since then, we've received a few
emails from members letting us know that these videos are not loading and they
are instead getting an audio recording saying "This content is currently

We are now aware that the recently added videos at PLAY are not working in
certain countries. We assure everyone that we are not showing favoritism to the
USA during March Radness. We don't own the video content that we post to PLAY.
We get permission, and artists and content providers decide what to allow,
including things like what gets shown and where it can be shown. We just found
out last week that the Bunnies and How It Should Have Ended videos have
restricted permissions.

While it may occur again that different parts of the world get access to
different things through Lockerz, to ensure that everyone is on a level playing
field for the March Radness competition, we will tally up all of the PTZ earned
by Team US for watching these specific episodes and add that amount to Team

And, don't forget, there's still tons of other awesome videos to watch and get
your cha-ching on for March Radness!

We are also aware of some issues that our friends in the U.K. are having with
PLAY. If you've run into a problem with the ads overlapping the video content,
this should be temporarily resolved by clicking the ad. Then scroll the page a
bit, the PLAY video should load, and you should be able to get your PTZ. It's a
bit of a hassle and we apologize for that. We're trying to diagnose the problem
and again hope to have this fixed for you very soon!

Other members that are having problems with PLAY may find the following
information helpful:

1. Clear your cache ( Ctr + Shift + Delete )

2. Restart your browser/Computer

3. Double click on the black video screen ( 99% of the time this is the fix )

4. Try a different browser

5. Check security settings ( rare )

6. Get the latest Adobe Flash Player

Lockerz currently DOES NOT support Google Chrome, so you may need to use a new
browser for PLAY. We're obviously very excited about launching PLAY and most of
the feedback from members has been unbelivably positive!

We know the prizes are a huge incentive for you to be here. And you will always
be able to redeem prizes from PTZ Place. But Lockerz will eventually be much
more than that "place where you can get prizes!". We're also going to be a
really cool place where you like to hang out! You'll be able to win prizes,
shop our store, watch videos, listen to music, play games, and connect with
friends and other members of the Lockerz community. PLAY is just the beginning!
Other features like CONNECT and SHOP will be launched gradually over the next
few months.

But, as with anything when a site is in beta, there are still some bugs and
glitches that we have to work through. We again appreciate your support and
patience while Lockerz is in development!

Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]

popis1, członek http://zarabiam.com od Mar 2010.

[Obrazek: sygnatura.php?ptz=1800&login=pop...styl=Styl2]
15-03-2010 21:01
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika Odpowiedz cytując ten post
Ania Online
Forumowy Maniak

Liczba postów: 1241
Dolaczyl: Jan 2012
Reputacja: 1712

Poziom ostrzezen: 0%
Forum Gold: 215.61 [Dotacja]

Warto sprawdzić:
reedo Offline

Liczba postów: 311
Dołączył: Feb 2010
Reputacja: 434 +


(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #2
RE: Mail dotyczący nie działających flimików
Cytat:Hey there. This is B'Coz from the Lockerz team sending out a bulk responder
addressing the PLAY section of our site! If this response doesn't help you with
your specific problem, please reply back, let me know what specific issue
you're having, and I'll do my best to help you as quickly as possible.

First, from quickly scanning through some of your emails, many members are
sending us some great suggestions for videos they'd like to see on PLAY. If
there is any video that you'd like to see at PLAY, please email your suggestion
to [email protected] for consideration!

Video links were broken this morning but should be fixed by now. If you're
still having a problem viewing videos - please clear your browser's cache and

We recently added some new videos to PLAY. Since then, we've received a few
emails from members letting us know that these videos are not loading and they
are instead getting an audio recording saying "This content is currently

We are now aware that the recently added videos at PLAY are not working in
certain countries. We assure everyone that we are not showing favoritism to the
USA during March Radness. We don't own the video content that we post to PLAY.
We get permission, and artists and content providers decide what to allow,
including things like what gets shown and where it can be shown. We just found
out last week that the Bunnies and How It Should Have Ended videos have
restricted permissions.

While it may occur again that different parts of the world get access to
different things through Lockerz, to ensure that everyone is on a level playing
field for the March Radness competition, we will tally up all of the PTZ earned
by Team US for watching these specific episodes and add that amount to Team

And, don't forget, there's still tons of other awesome videos to watch and get
your cha-ching on for March Radness!

We are also aware of some issues that our friends in the U.K. are having with
PLAY. If you've run into a problem with the ads overlapping the video content,
this should be temporarily resolved by clicking the ad. Then scroll the page a
bit, the PLAY video should load, and you should be able to get your PTZ. It's a
bit of a hassle and we apologize for that. We're trying to diagnose the problem
and again hope to have this fixed for you very soon!

Other members that are having problems with PLAY may find the following
information helpful:

1. Clear your cache ( Ctr + Shift + Delete )

2. Restart your browser/Computer

3. Double click on the black video screen ( 99% of the time this is the fix )

4. Try a different browser

5. Check security settings ( rare )

6. Get the latest Adobe Flash Player

Lockerz currently DOES NOT support Google Chrome, so you may need to use a new
browser for PLAY. We're obviously very excited about launching PLAY and most of
the feedback from members has been unbelivably positive!

We know the prizes are a huge incentive for you to be here. And you will always
be able to redeem prizes from PTZ Place. But Lockerz will eventually be much
more than that "place where you can get prizes!". We're also going to be a
really cool place where you like to hang out! You'll be able to win prizes,
shop our store, watch videos, listen to music, play games, and connect with
friends and other members of the Lockerz community. PLAY is just the beginning!
Other features like CONNECT and SHOP will be launched gradually over the next
few months.

But, as with anything when a site is in beta, there are still some bugs and
glitches that we have to work through. We again appreciate your support and
patience while Lockerz is in development!

Cytat:Hej! Tutaj B'Coz z druzyny Lockerz wysylajacej odpowiedzi dotyczace sekcji PLAY naszej strony! Jesli ta odpowiedz nie rozwiaze twoich nietypowych problemow, to odpisz na tego maila i opisz je w nim. Doloze wszelkich staran, zeby pomoc ci tak szybko jak to bedzie mozliwe.

Po pierwsze, przegladajac wasze listy, zauwazylismy, ze wielu uzytkownikow przysyla nam swietne propozycje filmikow, ktore chcieliby obejrzec w PLAY. Jesli znacie jakies video, ktore chcielibyscie by sie tam znalazlo, to wyslijcie swoja propozycje na [email protected]. Rozwazymy kazda propozycje!

Dzisiejszego ranka linki do filmikow byly zepsute, jednak powinno byc to juz naprawione. Jesli nadal masz problemy z ogladanie filmikow, to wyczysc cache i cookies twojej przegladarki.

Dodalismy ostatnio kilka nowych video do PLAY. Gdy to zrobilismy, otrzymalismy emaile od naszych uzytkownikow, ktorzy pisali, ze filmiki nie chca sie zaladowac i zamiast nich slysza tylko glos mowiacy "This content is currently unavailable." (Ta tresc jest aktualnie niedostepna).

Zdajemy sobie sprawe z tego, ze ostatnio dodane filmiki w pewnych krajach nie dzialaja. Zapewniamy jednak, ze nie faworyzujemy USA podczas March Radness. Nie jestesmy wlascicielami filmikow, ktore znalazly sie w PLAY. Mamy jedynie pozwolenie na ich emisje, a to artysci oraz ci, ktorzy dostarczyli materialy filmowe decyduja co pokazac i komu. Dowiedzielismy sie w zeszlym tygodniu, ze Bunnies i How It Should Have Ended mialy ograniczone pozwolenia na emisje.

Poniewaz ponownie moze sie zdarzyc, ze rozne czesci swiata beda mialy dostep do roznych czesci Lockerz, to by upewnic sie, ze March Radness przebiegnie w sposob prawidlowy i sprawiedliwy, podliczymy wszystkie punkty zarobione przez druzyne USA za ogladania tych wlasnie epizodow i dodamy je do punktow zgromadzonych przez druzyne miedzynarodowa.

Jednak nie zapominajcie, ze jest jeszcze wiele innych cudownych filmikow, za ktore mozecie zdobyc punkty i wspomoc swoja druzyne w March Radness!

Wiemy takze o paru problemach, ktore maja z zakladka PLAY mieszkancy Wielkiej Brytanii. Jesli zdarzy wam sie problem z zakrywaniem filmiku przez reklamy, to tymczasowym rozwiazaniem jest klikniecie na reklame. Nastepnie przewincie troche strone, wideo powinno sie zaladowac, a ty powinienes juz moc zdobyc swoje punkty. To troche skomplikowane i przepraszamy za to. Przygladamy sie temu problemowi i mamy nadzieje, ze zostanie on szybko naprawiony.

Inny uzytkownicy, ktorzy odczuwaja jakies problemy z zakladka PLAY, moga uznac te informacje za pomocne:

1. Wyczysz cache przegladarki ( Ctr + Shift + Delete )

2. Zrestartuj komputer/przegladarke

3. 2-krotnie kliknij na czarne tlo ( w 99% to jest wlasnie rozwiazanie problemu )

4. Sprobuj na innej przegladarce

5. Sprawdz ustawienia zabezpieczen ( rzadko )

6. Sciagnij najnowsza wersje Adobe Flash Playera

Na ten czas Lockerz nie wspiera Google Chrome, wiec mozliwe, ze do korzystania z zakladki PLAY, bedziesz potrzebowal innej przegladarki. Jestesmy oczywiscie bardzo podekscytowani wlaczeniem PLAY, a co wiecej, wiekszosc opini naszych uzytkownikow jest niewiarygodnie pozytywna!

Wiemy, ze to nagrody sa glowna zacheta do przebywania na stronie i zawsze bedziecie mogli jakies zamowic w PTZ Place. Jednak ostatecznie Lockerz ma stac sie czyms wiecej niz "miejscem, w ktorym mozesz zdobyc nagrody"! Bedziemy takze naprawde fajnym miejscem, gdzie bedziesz lubil przebywac! Bedziesz mogl wygrywac nagrody, kupowac w naszym sklepie, ogladac filmiki, sluchac muzyki, grac w gry i porozumiewac sie z przyjaciolmi i innymi czlonkami spolecznosci Lockerz. PLAY to dopiero poczatek!
Inne zakladki, jak CONNECT i SHOP, beda stopniowo wlaczane w nastepnych miesiacach.

Jednakze, poniewaz cala strona to jednak wersja beta, jest jeszcze pare bledow i usterek, nad ktorymi musimy popracowac. Jeszcze raz doceniamy wasze wsparcie i cierpliwosc w czasie, gdy Lockerz jest w fazie tworzenia.
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 16-03-2010 16:38 przez reedo.)
16-03-2010 16:36
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