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Proszę o przetłumaczenie!

Autor Wiadomość
tomaszgajda Offline

Liczba postów: 30
Dołączył: Jan 2010
Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #1
Thumbs Up Proszę o przetłumaczenie!
Witam, może nie jest to mail od lockerz , ale ze względu na to że kiepso u mnie z j.angielskim proszę was o przetłumaczenie tekstu między "xxx".Jest to z język z silnika via www który przerobiłem...W zamian za przetłumaczenie oferuje 25% zarobków.+ Admin

$lang = array();
//buildings info
$lang['buildings'][0][0][0]="Grain Field-Grain Field";
$lang['buildings'][0][0][1]="At the grain field food can be created and upgraded. Grain fields produce crop.";
$lang['buildings'][1][0][0]="Grain Field-Grain Field";
$lang['buildings'][1][0][1]="At the grain fields food can be created and upgraded. Grain fields produce crop.";
$lang['buildings'][2][0][0]="Grain Field-Grain Field";
$lang['buildings'][2][0][1]="At the grain fields food can be created and upgraded. Grain fields produce crop.";

$lang['buildings'][0][1][0]="Saw Mill-Saw Mill";
$lang['buildings'][0][1][1]="At the Saw Mill forests are managed. Forests produce lumber.";
$lang['buildings'][1][1][0]="Saw Mill-Saw Mill";
$lang['buildings'][1][1][1]="At the Saw Mill lumber patches are managed. Lumber patches produce lumber.";
$lang['buildings'][2][1][0]="Saw Mill-Saw Mill";
$lang['buildings'][2][1][1]="At the Saw Mill wood patches are managed. Wood patches produce lumber.";

$lang['buildings'][0][2][0]="Stone mason-Quary";
$lang['buildings'][0][2][1]="At the stone mason quaries are created and upgraded. Quaries produce stone.";
$lang['buildings'][1][2][0]="Rock quaries-Stone sites";
$lang['buildings'][1][2][1]="At the stone mason quaries are created and upgraded. Quaries produce stone.";
$lang['buildings'][2][2][0]="Stone hils-Stone pit";
$lang['buildings'][2][2][1]="At the stone hils stone pits are created and upgraded. Stone pits produce stone.";

$lang['buildings'][0][3][0]="Iron foundry-Ore site";
$lang['buildings'][0][3][1]="At the iron foundry ore sites are created and upgraded. Ore sites produce iron.";
$lang['buildings'][1][3][0]="Foundry-Metal deposits";
$lang['buildings'][1][3][1]="At the foundry metal deposites are found and exploited. Metal deposites produce iron.";
$lang['buildings'][2][3][1]="At the mines shafts are created and upgraded. Shafts produce iron.";

$lang['buildings'][0][4][1]="The granary stores crop.";
$lang['buildings'][1][4][0]="Food stocks";
$lang['buildings'][1][4][1]="The food stocks store crop.";
$lang['buildings'][2][4][1]="The food rations are stored here.";

$lang['buildings'][0][5][1]="The warehouse stores lumber, stone and iron.";
$lang['buildings'][1][5][0]="General stocks";
$lang['buildings'][1][5][1]="The general stocks store lumber, stone and iron.";
$lang['buildings'][2][5][0]="Resource storage";
$lang['buildings'][2][5][1]="It stores lumber, stone and iron.";

$lang['buildings'][0][6][1]="The cache stores certain amounts of resources, protecting them from enemy raids.";
$lang['buildings'][1][6][1]="The deposit stores certain amounts of resources, protecting them from enemy raids.";
$lang['buildings'][2][6][1]="The bunker stores certain amounts of resources, protecting them from enemy raids.";

$lang['buildings'][0][7][0]="Town hall-Castle";
$lang['buildings'][0][7][1]="At the town hall you can build other structures and set taxes. The higher the level the faster constructions are completed and the bigger your vault will be.";
$lang['buildings'][1][7][0]="Town council-Palace";
$lang['buildings'][1][7][1]="At the town council you can build other structures and set taxes. The higher the level the faster constructions are completed and the bigger your vault will be.";
$lang['buildings'][2][7][0]="Town central-Fortress";
$lang['buildings'][2][7][1]="At the town central you can build other structures and set taxes. The higher the level the faster constructions are completed and the bigger your vault will be.";

$lang['buildings'][0][8][1]="Here you provide living quarters for your population.";
$lang['buildings'][1][8][1]="Here you provide living quarters for your population.";
$lang['buildings'][2][8][1]="Here you provide living quarters for your population.";

$lang['buildings'][0][9][1]="The embassy allows you to create alliances with other players.";
$lang['buildings'][1][9][0]="External affaires";
$lang['buildings'][1][9][1]="External affaires allow you to create alliances with other players.";
$lang['buildings'][2][9][0]="Foreign relations";
$lang['buildings'][2][9][1]="Here you create alliances with other players.";

$lang['buildings'][0][10][1]="The marketplace allows you to trade resources and/or weapons with other players. The higher the level the more you can trade at a time.";
$lang['buildings'][1][10][0]="Trading post";
$lang['buildings'][1][10][1]="The trading post allows you to trade resources and/or weapons with other players. The higher the level the more you can trade at a time.";
$lang['buildings'][2][10][0]="Trade district";
$lang['buildings'][2][10][1]="The trade district allows you to trade resources and/or weapons with other players. The higher the level the more you can trade at a time.";

$lang['buildings'][0][11][1]="The cathedral boosts the morale of the town folk.";
$lang['buildings'][1][11][1]="The cathedral boosts the morale of the town folk.";
$lang['buildings'][2][11][1]="The cathedral boosts the morale of the town folk.";

$lang['buildings'][0][12][1]="The higher the level the faster the ships are built.";
$lang['buildings'][1][12][1]="The higher the level the faster the ships are built.";
$lang['buildings'][2][12][0]="Ship bay";
$lang['buildings'][2][12][1]="The higher the level the faster the ships are built.";

$lang['buildings'][0][13][1]="The wall is a defensive structure. It boosts the defensive capabilities of the town in case of attack.";
$lang['buildings'][1][13][1]="The border is a defensive structure. It boosts the defensive capabilities of the town in case of attack.";
$lang['buildings'][2][13][0]="Enforced frontier";
$lang['buildings'][2][13][1]="The enforced frontier is a defensive structure. It boosts the defensive capabilities of the town in case of attack.";

$lang['buildings'][0][14][1]="The tower is an offensive structure. It boosts the offensive capabilities of the town in case of attack.";
$lang['buildings'][1][14][1]="The outpost is an offensive structure. It boosts the offensive capabilities of the town in case of attack.";
$lang['buildings'][2][14][0]="Enforced tower";
$lang['buildings'][2][14][1]="The enforced tower is an offensive structure. It boosts the offensive capabilities of the town in case of attack.";

$lang['buildings'][0][15][1]="At the barracks troops can be trained. The higher the level the faster the troops are trained.";
$lang['buildings'][1][15][0]="Mercenary camp";
$lang['buildings'][1][15][1]="At the mercenary camp troops can be recruited. The higher the level the faster the troops are recruited.";
$lang['buildings'][2][15][0]="Training grounds";
$lang['buildings'][2][15][1]="At the training grounds troops can be trained. The higher the level the faster the troops are trained.";

$lang['buildings'][0][16][1]="At the academy you can upgrade the maximum hit points of your army.";
$lang['buildings'][1][16][0]="Army research";
$lang['buildings'][1][16][1]="At the army research you can upgrade the maximum hit points of your army.";
$lang['buildings'][2][16][0]="Military advances";
$lang['buildings'][2][16][1]="At the military advances you can upgrade the maximum hit points of your army.";

$lang['buildings'][0][17][1]="At the blacksmith you can upgrade the weapons & armor of your units.";
$lang['buildings'][1][17][1]="At the forge you can upgrade the weapons & armor of your units.";
$lang['buildings'][2][17][1]="At the warmill you can upgrade the weapons & armor of your units.";

$lang['buildings'][0][18][0]="Weapon and armor shop";
$lang['buildings'][0][18][1]="Here you can create weapons needed for your troops. The higher the level the faster the weapons are forged.";
$lang['buildings'][1][18][0]="Weapons and shields Inc.";
$lang['buildings'][1][18][1]="Here you can create weapons needed for your troops. The higher the level the faster the weapons are forged.";
$lang['buildings'][2][18][0]="Military equipment";
$lang['buildings'][2][18][1]="Here you can create weapons needed for your troops. The higher the level the faster the weapons are forged.";

$lang['buildings'][0][19][1]="At the stable you can breed horses needed for your mounted troops. The higher the level the faster the horses are bred.";
$lang['buildings'][1][19][0]="Horse pens";
$lang['buildings'][1][19][1]="At the horse pens you can breed horses needed for your mounted troops. The higher the level the faster the horses are bred.";
$lang['buildings'][2][19][1]="Here you can breed horses needed for your mounted troops. The higher the level the faster the horses are bred.";

$lang['buildings'][0][20][0]="Siege shop";
$lang['buildings'][0][20][1]="At the siege shop you can build siege weapons. The higher the level the faster the siege weapons are done.";
$lang['buildings'][1][20][0]="Catapult and co.";
$lang['buildings'][1][20][1]="At the siege shop you can build siege weapons. The higher the level the faster the siege weapons are done.";
$lang['buildings'][2][20][0]="Heavy weapons";
$lang['buildings'][2][20][1]="Here you can build siege weapons. The higher the level the faster the siege weapons are done.";

$lang['buildings'][0][21][0]="Military storage";
$lang['buildings'][0][21][1]="Here weapons are stored.";
$lang['buildings'][1][21][0]="Weapon vault";
$lang['buildings'][1][21][1]="Here weapons are stored.";
$lang['buildings'][2][21][0]="Weapon racks";
$lang['buildings'][2][21][1]="Here weapons are stored.";
// /buildings info
//troops info
$lang['units'][0][0][1]="The spearman is the basic military unit. Requirements: Spear, Chain armor.";
$lang['units'][1][0][1]="The spearman is the basic military unit. Requirements: Spear, Chain armor.";
$lang['units'][2][0][1]="The spearman is the basic military unit. Requirements: Spear, Chain armor.";

$lang['units'][0][1][1]="The swordsman is the most common military unit. Requirements: Short sword, Chain armor, Shield.";
$lang['units'][1][1][1]="The swordsman is the most common military unit. Requirements: Short sword, Chain armor, Shield.";
$lang['units'][2][1][1]="The swordsman is the most common military unit. Requirements: Short sword, Chain armor, Shield.";

$lang['units'][0][2][0]="Elite Swordsman";
$lang['units'][0][2][1]="The elite swordsman is the most versatile infantry unit. Requirements: Long sword, Plate armor, Shield.";
$lang['units'][1][2][0]="Elite Swordsman";
$lang['units'][1][2][1]="The elite swordsman is the most versatile infantry unit. Requirements: Long sword, Plate armor, Shield.";
$lang['units'][2][2][0]="Elite Swordsman";
$lang['units'][2][2][1]="The elite swordsman is the most versatile infantry unit. Requirements: Long sword, Plate armor, Shield.";

$lang['units'][0][3][1]="The bowman is a good offensive unit, though he lacks defensive capabilities. Requirements: Bow, Leather armor.";
$lang['units'][1][3][1]="The bowman is a good offensive unit, though he lacks defensive capabilities. Requirements: Bow, Leather armor.";
$lang['units'][2][3][1]="The bowman is a good offensive unit, though he lacks defensive capabilities. Requirements: Bow, Leather armor.";

$lang['units'][0][4][1]="The crossbowman is good at both offense and defense. Requirements: Crossbow, Chain armor.";
$lang['units'][1][4][1]="The crossbowman is good at both offense and defense. Requirements: Crossbow, Chain armor.";
$lang['units'][2][4][1]="The crossbowman is good at both offense and defense. Requirements: Crossbow, Chain armor.";

$lang['units'][0][5][1]="The knight is the best cavalry unit. Requirements: Long sword, Plate armor, Shield, Horse.";
$lang['units'][1][5][1]="The knight is the best cavalry unit. Requirements: Long sword, Plate armor, Shield, Horse.";
$lang['units'][2][5][1]="The knight is the best cavalry unit. Requirements: Long sword, Plate armor, Shield, Horse.";

$lang['units'][0][6][1]="The ranger is a mounted bowman. Requirements: Bow, Leather armor, Horse.";
$lang['units'][1][6][1]="The ranger is a mounted bowman. Requirements: Bow, Leather armor, Horse.";
$lang['units'][2][6][1]="The ranger is a mounted bowman. Requirements: Bow, Leather armor, Horse.";

$lang['units'][0][7][0]="Battering ram";
$lang['units'][0][7][1]="The battering is a versatile siege weapon. Requirements: none.";
$lang['units'][1][7][0]="Battering ram";
$lang['units'][1][7][1]="The battering is a versatile siege weapon. Requirements: none.";
$lang['units'][2][7][0]="Battering ram";
$lang['units'][2][7][1]="The battering is a versatile siege weapon. Requirements: none.";

$lang['units'][0][8][1]="The catapult is a siege weapon. Requirements: none.";
$lang['units'][1][8][1]="The catapult is a siege weapon. Requirements: none.";
$lang['units'][2][8][1]="The catapult is a siege weapon. Requirements: none.";

$lang['units'][0][9][1]="The warship is a powerful unit that protects your port, or attacks enemy ports. Requirements: 12 cannon.";
$lang['units'][1][9][1]="The warship is a powerful unit that protects your port, or attacks enemy ports. Requirements: 12 cannon.";
$lang['units'][2][9][1]="The warship is a powerful unit that protects your port, or attacks enemy ports. Requirements: 12 cannon.";

$lang['units'][0][10][0]="Transport ship";
$lang['units'][0][10][1]="Transport ships are used at sea attacks, or to reinforce an ally via water. Requirements: none.";
$lang['units'][1][10][0]="Transport ship";
$lang['units'][1][10][1]="Transport ships are used at sea attacks, or to reinforce an ally via water. Requirements: none.";
$lang['units'][2][10][0]="Transport ship";
$lang['units'][2][10][1]="Transport ships are used at sea attacks, or to reinforce an ally via water. Requirements: none.";

$lang['units'][0][11][1]="Colonists build new towns. Requirements: Short sword, Leather armor.";
$lang['units'][1][11][1]="Colonists build new towns. Requirements: Short sword, Leather armor.";
$lang['units'][2][11][1]="Colonists build new towns. Requirements: Short sword, Leather armor.";

$lang['units'][0][12][1]="Scouts are used to gather information about other towns. Requirements: Short swords, Leather armor, Horse.";
$lang['units'][1][12][1]="Scouts are used to gather information about other towns. Requirements: Short swords, Leather armor, Horse.";
$lang['units'][2][12][1]="Scouts are used to gather information about other towns. Requirements: Short swords, Leather armor, Horse.";
// /troops info
//weapons info
$lang['weapons'][0][0][1]="Spears are basic two handed weapons.";
$lang['weapons'][1][0][1]="Spears are basic two handed weapons.";
$lang['weapons'][2][0][1]="Spears are basic two handed weapons.";

$lang['weapons'][0][1][0]="Short sword";
$lang['weapons'][0][1][1]="Short swords are the weapons most commonly used.";
$lang['weapons'][1][1][0]="Short sword";
$lang['weapons'][1][1][1]="Short swords are the weapons most commonly used.";
$lang['weapons'][2][1][0]="Short sword";
$lang['weapons'][2][1][1]="Short swords are the weapons most commonly used.";

$lang['weapons'][0][2][0]="Long sword";
$lang['weapons'][0][2][1]="Long swords are the best in melee combat.";
$lang['weapons'][1][2][0]="Long sword";
$lang['weapons'][1][2][1]="Long swords are the best in melee combat.";
$lang['weapons'][2][2][0]="Long sword";
$lang['weapons'][2][2][1]="Long swords are the best in melee combat.";

$lang['weapons'][0][3][1]="Bows are good ranged weapons.";
$lang['weapons'][1][3][1]="Bows are good ranged weapons.";
$lang['weapons'][2][3][1]="Bows are good ranged weapons.";

$lang['weapons'][0][4][1]="Crossbows are better than bows.";
$lang['weapons'][1][4][1]="Crossbows are better than bows.";
$lang['weapons'][2][4][1]="Crossbows are better than bows.";

$lang['weapons'][0][5][0]="Leather armor";
$lang['weapons'][0][5][1]="Leather armor offers minimum protection.";
$lang['weapons'][1][5][0]="Leather armor";
$lang['weapons'][1][5][1]="Leather armor offers minimum protection.";
$lang['weapons'][2][5][0]="Leather armor";
$lang['weapons'][2][5][1]="Leather armor offers minimum protection.";

$lang['weapons'][0][6][0]="Chain armor";
$lang['weapons'][0][6][1]="Chain armor offers medium protection.";
$lang['weapons'][1][6][0]="Chain armor";
$lang['weapons'][1][6][1]="Chain armor offers medium protection.";
$lang['weapons'][2][6][0]="Chain armor";
$lang['weapons'][2][6][1]="Chain armor offers medium protection.";

$lang['weapons'][0][7][0]="Plate armor";
$lang['weapons'][0][7][1]="Plate armor offers good protection.";
$lang['weapons'][1][7][0]="Plate armor";
$lang['weapons'][1][7][1]="Plate armor offers good protection.";
$lang['weapons'][2][7][0]="Plate armor";
$lang['weapons'][2][7][1]="Plate armor offers good protection.";

$lang['weapons'][0][8][1]="Shields offer additional protection.";
$lang['weapons'][1][8][1]="Shields offer additional protection.";
$lang['weapons'][2][8][1]="Shields offer additional protection.";

$lang['weapons'][0][9][1]="Horses are required for mounted troops.";
$lang['weapons'][1][9][1]="Horses are required for mounted troops.";
$lang['weapons'][2][9][1]="Horses are required for mounted troops.";

$lang['weapons'][0][10][0]="12 cannon";
$lang['weapons'][0][10][1]="Cannons are required for warships.";
$lang['weapons'][1][10][0]="12 cannon";
$lang['weapons'][1][10][1]="Cannons are required for warships.";
$lang['weapons'][2][10][0]="12 cannon";
$lang['weapons'][2][10][1]="Cannons are required for warships.";
// /weapons info

$lang['language'] = "Language";
$lang['allreadyInAlly'] = "You already are in an alliance.";
$lang['insufData'] = "Insuficient data.";
$lang['notFounder'] = "You are not the founder of any alliance.";
$lang['AllyDeleted'] = "Alliance deleted.";
$lang['userDeleted'] = "If no errors appeared, user is deleted.";
$lang['levelLow'] = "User has level >= than yours.";
$lang['emptyUserList'] = "Empty user list.";
$lang['wrongPass'] = "Wrong password.";
$lang['dontHaveInvite'] = "You do not have an invitation.";
$lang['quitAllyFirst'] = "Quit your current alliance first.";
$lang['leftAlly'] = "User left an alliance.";
$lang['error'] = "Error!";
$lang['cantKickSelf'] = "Cannot kick yourself. Delete the alliance instead.";
$lang['onlyFounderKick'] = "Only the alliance founder can kick players.";
$lang['independentAlly'] = "You are now independent of your former alliance.";
$lang['founderCantQuit'] = "Yuo are the founder of the alliance and cannot quit. Delete alliance instead.";
$lang['allyView'] = "alliance view";
$lang['members'] = "Members";
$lang['peacePacts'] = "Peace pacts";
$lang['warDeclar'] = "War declarations";
$lang['allyName'] = "Alliance name";
$lang['allyDesc'] = "Alliance description";
$lang['cantAbandCapit'] = "You cannot abandon the capital city.";
$lang['incorData'] = "Incorrect data.";
$lang['about'] = "help";
$lang['guide'] = "guide";
$lang['credits'] = "credits";
$lang['features'] = "features";
$lang['unitType'] = "Unit type";
$lang['hitPoints'] = "Hit Points";
$lang['cost'] = "Cost";
$lang['level'] = "level";
$lang['duration'] = "duration";
$lang['hp'] = "HP";
$lang['speed'] = "speed";
$lang['lvl'] = "lvl";
$lang['upgrading'] = "upgrading";
$lang['unitUpgQueue'] = "Unit upgrade queue";
$lang['constrBuilding'] = "Construct building first.";
$lang['noIndex'] = "No such index.";
$lang['allyStats'] = "alliance stats";
$lang['townStats'] = "town stats";
$lang['playerStats'] = "Player stats";
$lang['viewStatsFor'] = "View statistics for";
$lang['upkeep'] = "upkeep";
$lang['view'] = "View";
$lang['nom'] = "no.";
$lang['ally'] = "Alliance";
$lang['jumpToNo'] = "Jump to no.";
$lang['for'] = "for";
$lang['jumpToAlly'] = "Jump to alliance";
$lang['jumpToTown'] = "Jump to town";
$lang['jumpToUser'] = "Jump to user";
$lang['go'] = "Go";
$lang['title'] = "Civilization - Age of Knights";
$lang['announc'] = "Welcome to Civilization - Age of Knights, a massive multiplayer online strategy game.";
$lang['map'] = "map";
$lang['login'] = "login";
$lang['register'] = "register";
$lang['logout'] = "logout";
$lang['forum'] = "forum";
$lang['profile'] = "profile";
$lang['towns'] = "towns";
$lang['townCenter'] = "town center";
$lang['statistics'] = "statistics";
$lang['reports'] = "reports";
$lang['messages'] = "messages";
$lang['adminPanel'] = "admin panel";
$lang['home'] = "home";
$lang['variable'] = "Variable";
$lang['value'] = "value";
$lang['username'] = "username";
$lang['password'] = "password";
$lang['change'] = "change";
$lang['sendToAll'] = "send to all";
$lang['deleteUser'] = "delete user";
$lang['userToDelete'] = "User to delete: ";
$lang['checkDelQueue'] = "check user deletion queue";
$lang['checkRep'] = "Check your reports to see if you got the report as all of the other users.";
$lang['cleanIdle'] = "clean db of idle users";
$lang['maxIdleTime'] = "Maximum allowed idle time [days]: ";
$lang['userLevel'] = "user level";
$lang['givePoints'] = "give points";
$lang['userNamesSeparated'] = "User names separated by \":\": ";
$lang['aquireTown'] = "aquire town";
$lang['wishAquire'] = "Do you wish to aquire the town of";
$lang['yes'] = "yes";
$lang['no'] = "no";
$lang['townBelongs'] = "This towns belongs to someone else.";
$lang['crop'] = "Crop";
$lang['lumber'] = "Lumber";
$lang['stone'] = "Stone";
$lang['iron'] = "Iron";
$lang['gold'] = "Gold";
$lang['currentStorCap'] = "Current storage capacity";
$lang['weapStock'] = "Weapons in stock";
$lang['availableTroops'] = "Available Troops";
$lang['upgrade'] = "Upgrade";
$lang['toLevel'] = "toLevel";
$lang['noHouses'] = "Not enough houses";
$lang['expSpeed'] = "Expected speed percentage";
$lang['noResources'] = "Not enough resources";
$lang['buildingMaxLvl'] = "Building at maximum level.";
$lang['beingUpgraded'] = "This structure is already being upgraded.";
$lang['quantity'] = "Quantity";
$lang['train'] = "Train";
$lang['atk'] = "ATK";
$lang['def'] = "DEF";
$lang['speed'] = "speed";
$lang['trainQueue'] = "Unit train queue";
$lang['weapon'] = "Weapon";
$lang['armor'] = "Armor";
$lang['upgrading'] = "upgrading";
$lang['unitUpgQueue'] = "Unit upgrade queue";
$lang['reqNotMet'] = "Requirements have not been met.";
$lang['buildingUnderConstr'] = "Building is already under construction.";
$lang['logWrongInput'] = "Login/wrong input.";
$lang['expMorale'] = "Expected morale bonus";
$lang['changeCap'] = "change capital";
$lang['becomeCap'] = "Town to become capital";
$lang['yourPass'] = "Your password";
$lang['change'] = "Change";
$lang['wrongPass'] = "Wrong password.";
$lang['accessDenied'] = "Access denied";
$lang['noInput'] = "No input.";
$lang['checkDelQueue'] = "check deletion queue";
$lang['notAdmin'] = "You are not Admin";
$lang['needCastle'] = "You need a Castle [lvl 10 Town Hall] in your capital city in order to create new towns.";
$lang['needColonists'] = "You need at least 10 colonists in your capital city in order to create a new town.";
$lang['createTown'] = "create new town";
$lang['createCapital'] = "create capital";
$lang['desCoord'] = "Desired coordinates";
$lang['random'] = "random";
$lang['guestPass'] = "You cannot edit the guest password.";
$lang['guestAcc'] = "You cannot delete the guest account.";
$lang['desCapName'] = "Desired capital name";
$lang['create'] = "Create";
$lang['cantConstrThere'] = "Cannot construct in that sector.";
$lang['dissolvedPeace'] = "You have dissolved a peace treaty.";
$lang['noTreaty'] = "You do not have a peace treaty to accept.";
$lang['dispatch'] = "dispatch";
$lang['sendTroopsTo'] = "Send troops to";
$lang['icon'] = "Icon";
$lang['available'] = "Available";
$lang['send'] = "Send";
$lang['reinforce'] = "reinforce";
$lang['raid'] = "raid";
$lang['attack'] = "attack";
$lang['spy'] = "spy";
$lang['townOf'] = "the town of";
$lang['withoutGeneral'] = "without general";
$lang['withGeneral'] = "with general";
$lang['using'] = "using";
$lang['standard'] = "standard";
$lang['offensive'] = "offensive";
$lang['defensive'] = "defensive";
$lang['formation'] = "formation";
$lang['noGeneral'] = "You don't have a general.";
$lang['generalAway'] = "Your general is away.";
$lang['send'] = "Send";
$lang['cSim'] = "cSim";
$lang['general'] = "general";
$lang['deployQueue'] = "Army deployment queue";
$lang['editRanks'] = "Edit ranks";
$lang['warDecs'] = "War declarations";
$lang['playerName'] = "Player name";
$lang['invite'] = "Invite";
$lang['proposePeace'] = "Propose peace";
$lang['decWar'] = "Declare war";
$lang['save'] = "Save";
$lang['delAlly'] = "Delete alliance";
$lang['quitAlly'] = "quit alliance";
$lang['noStorage'] = "Not enough storage room.";
$lang['beingProduced'] = "This item type is already being produced.";
$lang['emailSent'] = "Email sent.";
$lang['is'] = "is";
$lang['chooseUnitToGeneral'] = "Choose the type of unit to promote to general";
$lang['generalLevel'] = "Your general is a level";
$lang['selFormDef'] = "Select the formation for your town defending units";
$lang['select'] = "Select";
$lang['curForm'] = "Current formation";
$lang['expSpace'] = "Expected space";
$lang['taxesDesc'] = "[Set the taxes to gain gold. The higher the taxes, the lower the morale. Morale affects resource production.]";
$lang['setTaxes'] = "Set taxes";
$lang['buildDesc'] = "[Here you can see the buildings which you can construct.]";
$lang['build'] = "Build";
$lang['req'] = "Requirements";
$lang['reqNotMet'] = "Requirements have not been met.";
$lang['availTroops'] = "Available troops";
$lang['weHave'] = "We have a total of";
$lang['users'] = "users";
$lang['activeUsers'] = "of them have been active for the past 48 hours.";
$lang['invitation'] = "Invitation";
$lang['beenInvited'] = "You have been invited to join the";
$lang['foundedBy'] = "alliance, founded by";
$lang['accept'] = "accept";
$lang['invSent'] = "Invitation sent.";
$lang['invNotSent'] = "Invitation not sent.";
$lang['noUser'] = "No such user.";
$lang['noSpecUser'] = "No specified user.";
$lang['login'] = "login";
$lang['userLogin'] = "User login";
$lang['sitterLogin'] = "Sitter login";
$lang['emailPass'] = "E-mail me a new password.";
$lang['mailFail'] = "Email was not sent.";
$lang['mailPassOff'] = "Email new password function disabled.";
$lang['accToSit'] = "account to sit";
$lang['yourUsername'] = "your username";
$lang['loginClosed'] = "Login closed.";
$lang['youHave'] = "You have";
$lang['newRep'] = "new reports and";
$lang['newMsg'] = "new messages";
$lang['noUserWrong'] = "No such user/wrong password/banned.";
$lang['cya'] = "See you soon.";
$lang['jumpTo'] = "Jump to";
$lang['description'] = "Description";
$lang['player'] = "Player";
$lang['population'] = "Population";
$lang['alliance'] = "Alliance";
$lang['availMerchants'] = "Available merchants";
$lang['sendTransport'] = "Send transport";
$lang['resources'] = "Resources";
$lang['goods'] = "Goods";
$lang['townName'] = "town name";
$lang['maxDur'] = "Maximum duration[in hours; 0 for none.]";
$lang['sellNpc'] = "Sell to NPC";
$lang['offer'] = "Offer";
$lang['search'] = "Search";
$lang['sell'] = "Sell";
$lang['postOffer'] = "Post offer";
$lang['buy'] = "Buy";
$lang['findOffer'] = "Find towns which offer";
$lang['andSearch'] = "and search";
$lang['find'] = "Find";
$lang['viewAll'] = "View all";
$lang['ownOffers'] = "Current own offers";
$lang['ownAcceptedOffers'] = "Own accepted offers";
$lang['otherOffers'] = "Other accepted offers";
$lang['toAnd'] = "to and";
$lang['from'] = "from";
$lang['in'] = "in";
$lang['messages'] = "messages";
$lang['write'] = "Write";
$lang['reply'] = "reply";
$lang['subject'] = "Subject";
$lang['sender'] = "Sender";
$lang['sentAt'] = "Sent at";
$lang['delete'] = "Delete";
$lang['deleteAll'] = "Delete all";
$lang['transComplete'] = "Transaction completed with a ratio of";
$lang['durExceeds'] = "Duration exceeds maximum specified limit.";
$lang['noMerchants'] = "Not enough merchants.";
$lang['cantTradeWater'] = "Cannot trade via water. No course can be plotted.";
$lang['cantTradeEnemy'] = "Cannot trade with an enemy.";
$lang['town'] = "Town";
$lang['caravan'] = "caravan";
$lang['noSuchAlly'] = "No such alliance.";
$lang['pactSent'] = "Pact sent.";
$lang['passNotMatch'] = "Retyped password and new password don't match.";
$lang['passNull'] = "New password is null.";
$lang['incorPass'] = "Incorrect password";
$lang['signedPtreaty'] = "You have signed a peace treaty.";
$lang['noPTreaty'] = "You do not have a peace treaty to accept.";
$lang['profileView'] = "profile view";
$lang['faction'] = "Faction";
$lang['towns'] = "towns";
$lang['email'] = "Email";
$lang['points'] = "Points";
$lang['regDate'] = "Register date";
$lang['lastVisit'] = "Last visit";
$lang['sitter'] = "Sitter";
$lang['graphPackPath'] = "Graphic pack patch";
$lang['enterPass'] = "Enter password";
$lang['oldPass'] = "oldPass";
$lang['newPass'] = "newPass";
$lang['retypePass'] = "Retype pass";
$lang['delAcc'] = "Delete account";
$lang['toDel'] = "to account deletion";
$lang['coords'] = "Coordinates";
$lang['options'] = "Options";
$lang['centerMap'] = "Center map";
$lang['writeMsg'] = "Write message";
$lang['purgeTown'] = "purge town";
$lang['wishPurge'] = "Do you wish to purge the town of";
$lang['cantPurgeCap'] = "You cannot purge the capital city.";
$lang['rankUpd'] = "Rank updated.";
$lang['rank'] = "Rank";
$lang['notMemberYourAlly'] = "User is not a member of your alliance.";
$lang['regClosed'] = "Registration closed.";
$lang['register'] = "register";
$lang['retypePass'] = "Retype password";
$lang['validEmail'] = "Valid email address";
$lang['typeCode'] = "Type code";
$lang['submit'] = "Submit";
$lang['incorCode'] = "Incorrect code.";
$lang['dataFields'] = "Data fields have not been completed correctly.";
$lang['taken'] = "Name/email/IP already taken.";
$lang['nameTaken'] = "Name already taken.";
$lang['reports'] = "reports";
$lang['noWaterRoute'] = "There is no water route for your ships to navigate. You cannot send ships.";
$lang['notTroops'] = "Not enough troops.";
$lang['armyVoid'] = "Your army is a void.";
$lang['attackImmunity'] = "Towns with a population lower than 121 have military immunity. They cannot be reinforced/raided/attacked/spyed.";
$lang['cantAttAlly'] = "You cannot raid/attack/spy an ally.";
$lang['noTown'] = "No such town.";
$lang['welcome'] = "Welcome";
$lang['noUserSitted'] = "No such user/sitter/wrong password/banned, for the sitted.";
$lang['noUserSitter'] = "No such user/wrong password/banned, for the sitter.";
$lang['name'] = "Name";
$lang['breed'] = "Breed";
$lang['taxHigh'] = "Tax level too high.";
$lang['expOffence'] = "Expected offense bonus";
$lang['expProduction'] = "Expected production";
$lang['crossroad'] = "Crossroad";
$lang['constQueue'] = "Construction queue";
$lang['incQueue'] = "Incoming troops queue";
$lang['returnFrom'] = "returning from";
$lang['on'] = "on";
$lang['townEdit'] = "town edit";
$lang['abandon'] = "abandon";
$lang['purge'] = "purge";
$lang['noItems'] = "Not enough required items.";
$lang['unitAlrTrained'] = "This unit type is already being trained.";
$lang['researchUnit'] = "Research the unit abilities";
$lang['unitAlrUpgraded'] = "Unit is already being upgraded.";
$lang['abilityMax'] = "Unit ability at maximum level.";
$lang['userStats'] = "user stats";
$lang['expDefence'] = "Expected defense bonus";
$lang['weaponType'] = "Weapon type";
$lang['forge'] = "Forge";
$lang['weaponQueue'] = "Weapon forge queue";
$lang['recipient'] = "Recipient";
$lang['noSubject'] = "Message has no subject.";
$lang['msgNotSent'] = "Message not sent.";
$lang['msgSent'] = "Message sent.";
$lang['chat'] = "chat";
$lang['clear'] = "Clear";
$lang['chatRefresh'] = "s to chat refresh";
$lang['chatRooms'] = "chat rooms";
$lang['type'] = "of every type";

$lang['gameupgrade'] = "Game Upgrades for";
$lang['RemainingPoints'] = "Remaining Points";
$lang['Bonusactive'] = "Bonus active";
$lang['Remainingdays'] = "Remaining days";
$lang['probonus'] = "Production bonus arent signalled at the town, but are calculated every hour";
$lang['Description'] = "Description";
$lang['Pointsneeded'] = "Points needed";
$lang['dur'] = "Duration (days)";
$lang['mobon'] = "Gold bonus production";
$lang['bebon'] = "Lumber bonus production";
$lang['enbon'] = "Stone bonus production";
$lang['wabon'] = "Iron bonus production";
$lang['activate'] = "activate";
$lang['rem'] = "Redeem points for Troops";
$lang['RedeemPoints'] = "Redeem Points";
$lang['Redeem'] = "Redeem";

$lang['selectnow'] = "Select the town for the upgrades";

(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 01-04-2010 10:05 przez tomaszgajda.)
01-04-2010 09:45
Znajdź wszystkie posty użytkownika Odpowiedz cytując ten post
Ania Online
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reedo Offline

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(Zobacz Odznaczenia)
Forum Gold: 0.00
Post: #2
RE: Proszę o przetłumaczenie!
Bez kontekstu to raczej ciezko przetlumaczyc.
01-04-2010 10:23
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tomaszgajda Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Proszę o przetłumaczenie!
Jest to średniowieczna gra typu plemiona...
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 02-04-2010 08:43 przez tomaszgajda.)
01-04-2010 13:15
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Killer Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Proszę o przetłumaczenie!

[Obrazek: zcomsygnablack.png]
18-04-2010 23:53
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