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I co najważniejsze, wszystko to jest zupełnie za darmo! Zarabiam.com to internetowe forum, które udzieli Ci odpowiedzi na pytanie "jak zarabiać przez internet". Teraz praca w domu staje się możliwa! Zarejestruj się już teraz, a dowiesz się wszystkiego o zarabianiu przez internet!
Witam czy jest coś takiego jak karta Payza, która pozwoli mi wypłacenie pieniędzy w bankomacie ? Jeżeli ktoś posiada taka kartę lub wie jak zamówić coś takiego to proszę o jakiekolwiek info
08-03-2013 13:45
Ania Forumowy Maniak
Liczba postów: 1241
Dolaczyl: Jan 2012
Reputacja: 1712 Poziom ostrzezen: 0% Forum Gold: 215.61[Dotacja]
Odpowiedź od supportu payzy, gdy pytałem jak zamówić ową kartę
Cytat:When you pre-register for the AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card you are applying to be able to order the Card once it is ready to be launched.
Pre-registering for the Card does not automatically mean that you will be able to order the Card as soon as it is ready to be launched. It does however mean that you are eligible to be a pre-selected member that can order the card.
Eventually all eligible members will be able to order the Card however we cannot guarantee when this will happen.
Only if you see an option to order the new PrePaid Card from the ‘Overview’ section of your Payza account, this means that you have been selected to order the Card.
To complete your order for the Card, you will simply need to click on the orange “Order the card” button on the main page of your Payza account. From here, you will be able to select either our USD or CAD currency Card. Once you have selected your type of Card, you will be required to upload a proof of address and photo ID in order to complete the ordering process.
Thanks again for contacting us. If you have any other questions or problems in the future, myself or one of my colleagues will be more than happy to help.
Nie możesz bezpośrednio zamówić tej karty. Pierwszym krokiem jest "pre-rejestracja" po tym musisz czekać, aż karta będzie gotowa do zamówienia(o ile będzie).
Ja czekałem miesiąc, ale ostatecznie jej nie zamówiłem, ze względu na wysokie prowizje - około 3$ za transakcje.
Ludzie piszą, że można swobodnie wypłacać z euronetów, więcej nie wiem.
(08-03-2013 13:46)diabloo07 napisał(a): Jest taka karta, lecz wypłaty z niej w Polsce również są zablokowane.
Skąd te informacje?
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 08-03-2013 14:01 przez daniel42na.)
My name is Carolyn, and let me start by thanking you for contacting us.
Ordering a Payza prepaid card is easy! First, you will need to become verified as only verified Payza members are able to order a Payza prepaid card. To start the verification process, simply log in to your Payza account and click on “Verification” from the Main Menu.
Once your account is verified, simply follow these easy steps to begin the order process:
1. Log in to your Payza account.
2. Click on “My Payza Account Main Menu” and then on “Prepaid Card (Payza-Issued).
3. Click on “Order your Card”.
4. Select which currency Card you would like (USD or CAD).
5. Select whether you would like the name on the Card to be “Payza Member” or your name. If you select to have your name appear on the Card, enter your first and last name.
6. If necessary, upload a Photo ID and Proof of Address document* and click on “Next”.
7. Confirm your shipping address and click on “Next”
8. Select your shipping method and complete your payment for your Payza Prepaid Card.
9. Click on “Order”.
*When submitting your documents, please ensure that they are in the .jpeg or .jpg format and that they are each less than 3 MB in size.
Once your order is submitted, please allow 2-5 business days for your documents to be approved. We will contact you by email once your documents and order have been reviewed.
*Please note that it is currently not possible to order a CAD Payza prepaid card.
You can use your Payza Prepaid Card at any ATM that displays the Visa acceptance marks.
Please note that your prepaid card PIN will be required and ensure you select the "Checking" option to withdraw your funds or to make balance inquiries.
It is important to note that you can withdraw funds up to the amount available on your Payza prepaid card and this amount include any applicable fees at the time of the transaction.
While we are slowly reestablishing bank wires to all of our members I do not have a specific time frame of when bank wire's will be available in Poland.
Thanks again for contacting us. If you have any other questions or problems in the future, myself or one of my colleagues will be more than happy to help.
Kind regards,
Carolyn D.
Customer Support Advisor
Payza Customer Support
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