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PowerASIC - Wersja do druku

+- Praca w domu - Dodatkowa Praca - Zarabianie przez Internet (https://zarabiam.com)
+-- Dział: Off-Topic (/Forum-Off-Topic-9)
+--- Dział: Kosz/Spam/Archiwum (/Forum-Kosz-Spam-Archiwum-11)
+--- Wątek: PowerASIC (/Temat-PowerASIC-165233)

PowerASIC - chintu5550 - 18-11-2019 10:27

TRY IT before BUY IT
We have powerASIC machines ready setup for you to try it live. Subscribe to a test-plan of your choice, and DO keep the mining reward for yourself as compliments of the house.

Subscribe now and Get paid tomorrow!
Our popular cloud mining are offered in 3 length of time and give you the option for testing mining without buying a machine. The rules are very simple: You pay the cost and keep the mining reward.

Keep the mining reward
You keep the mining reward after paying the cost associated with the mining as shown in the form below. Transfer of your mining reward can be done daily to your private Bitcoin address and are fully automated credited hourly to your balance.

Subscribe and own it!
Subscribe for 12 month consecutively and get your own machine for FREE.



PowerASIC - Hybrid1990 - 18-11-2019 10:27

Wątek został przeniesiony do kosza.
Prawdopodobne przyczyny :

1. Temat jest niezgodny z regulaminem.
2. Podobny temat znajduje się już na forum.
3. Wątek nie jest już aktualny.
4. Autor prosił o jego przeniesienie.
5. Temat został wyczerpany bądź rozwiązany.

Administracja Forum.