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koszulka - Wersja do druku

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koszulka - Patrykk91 - 15-01-2010 22:46

Jestem świezo upieczonym z-listerem. Jak sformuować list w którym poprosze ich o koszulke i na jaki adres wysłać?Smile

RE: koszulka - Marello - 15-01-2010 22:52

Jeśli do końca miesiąca nie przyjdzie Ci od nich e-mail z potwierdzeniem wysłania koszulki wtedy będziesz się martwił Smile

RE: koszulka - Odin - 16-01-2010 13:05

Ja mam zlistera już długo długo, ale dopiero teraz przyszedł mi email dotyczący tego, nie upominałem się etc... Mógłby ktoś przetłumaczyć?

Cytat:Dear Lockerz Member:

Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of cool, hip, in-the-know trendsetters who have discovered Lockerz very early. For that, you get lots of benefits, including a free Lockerz t-shirt.

We shipped your Z-List T-shirt within the last two days. If you have already received your Z-List T-shirt, please ignore this email.

If you have not received your Z-List T-shirt, you will receive it soon. If you live in the US, you should receive your Z-List T-shirt within two weeks from today, at the most. If you live outside the US, you should receive your Z-List T-shirt within four weeks from today, at the most.

Please note, there are no tracking numbers. This is the only email you will receive from Lockerz about your Z-List T-shirt.

Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-list status. Keep earning PTZ so that you're ready to redeem next time we re-launch PTZ Place.


The Lockerz Crew
Lockerz is not responsible for shirts that might be sent to addresses that were not accurately provided to Lockerz. Lockerz is not responsible for shirts sent to non-US addresses that, in very rare instances, might get held up at customs.

*Znalazłem już tłumaczenie tego emaila, sorry z góry ^^" post do usunięcia...

RE: koszulka - krysho5 - 18-01-2010 07:19

A ja dzis takiego dostalem Smile

Hey Lockerz Member,

We had a ton of t-shirts on backorder before, but now we're in the process
shipping a bunch out, so just make sure that your information is completely
correctly filled out in the My Account page of your profile. Please don't
any accents or other unusual characters. It makes our system all screwy and
that means it'll take longer to get your shirt and that's totally uncool.

So sit back, relax and just imagine how awesome you'll look once your
gets there. You'll look awesome, trust me."

Also, If you just made the z-list, Congratulations! Once these orders that
on backorder get sent out we will ship yours. You should receive your in
3-4 weeks. We thank your for your patience.



Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]

RE: koszulka - Admin - 18-01-2010 08:32

opcja szukaj , zamykam

koszulka - Killer - 11-03-2011 00:57

Wątek został przeniesiony do kosza.
Prawdopodobne przyczyny :

1. Temat jest niezgodny z regulaminem.
2. Podobny temat znajduje się już na forum.
3. Wątek nie jest już aktulany.
4. Autor prosił o jego przeniesienie.

Administracja Forum.