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Najczęściej wysyłane maile do Lockerz -> Zajrzyj! - Wersja do druku

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Najczęściej wysyłane maile do Lockerz -> Zajrzyj! - Lukisss - 04-06-2010 18:13

1. Przeprosiny za oszukiwanie:
Cytat:Dear Lockerz Crew,

I have to apoligise you for that what I have done. I was cheating and I am very sorry. Could you give me a second chance please? I
would be very grateful then and never cheat again.

2. Mail w sprawie Z-list:
Cytat: Dear Lockerz,

I have a Z-list for a long time and still not come to me information about free gift for holders Z-list. I ask you when come to me
information about the gadget.

3. W sprawie nie działającej strony:
Cytat: Dear Lockerz Team,

Last I have error. Page lockerz.com does not work for me. What's happening? Please, repair error.

4. Anulowane nagrody:
Cytat: Hey Lockerz,

In the last restock you grab me prize. I wasn't cheating and make fake e-mails. I ask you why do you grab me this. Write fast! Waiting!

5. Shop:
Cytat: Hi Lockerz Team,

I would like to ask you how are you with the shop. How you doing work? When will SHOP for Polish? Waiting for answers!


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