Ważny e-mail (liczy się czas) - Vesperus - 29-05-2010 08:03
Chciałbym wysłać e-mail w ważnej sprawie.
Napisałem kiedyś do lockerz aby mi odebrali 50% PTZ i zabrali
A wczoraj dostałem taką wiadomość:
Cytat:Dear Lockerz Member,
Here at Lockerz, we love to give away free prizes to members who earn honestly. Unfortunately, it appears that some or all of the invitations that you used to obtain Z-List status violate Lockerz Terms and Conditions.
Due to this fraudulent activity, we will not be sending you your Z-List T-shirt. Also, as a consequence of violating our Terms and Conditions, we will be deducting all fraudulent PTZ from your account. This decision is final.
We believe in second chances, so we will gladly keep your account and Z-List status active, and we encourage your future participation as an honest and responsible member of the Lockerz community. Please keep in mind, however, that any future cheating may result in the immediate deactivation of your account.
The Lockerz Crew
Chciałbym to jakoś wyjaśnić i powiedzieć że już mi zabrali PTZ i nie mogą mi ich zabierać drugi raz. Nie chodzi mi o T-Shirt. Chciałbym w wiadomości dodać kopię ich e-maila dotyczącego zabrania pierwszy raz moich PTZ
Tu jest kopia:
Cytat:Subject: [Support #603617] I was cheating Sad
from: Draken via RT <[email protected]>
Answer on the address: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, 16 March 2010 21:59 (Poland Time)
Hey Lockerz Member,
First of all, we want to thank you for coming forward and coming clean.
Violations of our Terms of Use violate the integrity of our Membership
community and our redemption process. Protecting that integrity is important to
us and to all Lockerz members.
We will be deducting 50% of your total PTZ, and our decision is final. We
offered our membership a chance to start fresh with Amnesty, and warned you
that the consequences would be steep for any who violated our Terms but did not
come forward.
This decision is not open to negotiation---and this is your last chance.
If you have another violation, your account will be zeroed and closed.
There's good news, though! You can now participate in future redemptions with a
clean slate (and a clear conscience)--provided you play fair. You lost some
PTZ, but you gained peace of mind--and you know that you can go for the prize
you want without fear of being denied due to past violations.
You have one more chance--we hope you use it wisely.
Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]
Podziękuję paroma reputami
RE: Ważny e-mail (liczy się czas) - Lukisss - 29-05-2010 08:28
Masz bardzo dziwny problem. Spróbuję Ci pomóc.
Cytat:Dear Lockerz,
In this letter I would like to inform you of deducting me PTZ.
On 16 March you deducting 50% PTZ from my account - I made fake e-mails. You told me that this is over. You deducting me PTZ second time. I want to explain this incident. I think it's mistake. I hope you will help me.
Peace, podpis.
RE: Ważny e-mail (liczy się czas) - Xkoniak - 29-05-2010 08:30
-@up był szybszy prosze usunąć ten post-
RE: Ważny e-mail (liczy się czas) - Yanke$ - 29-05-2010 10:14
Lukisss napisał(a):deducting
Raczej tutaj powinno być "deducted". Zdanie "On 16 March you deducting 50%" oznacza "16 maja wy ucinaliście mi 50 % ptz", a chyba powinno być ucieliście ?
RE: Ważny e-mail (liczy się czas) - Kicha - 29-05-2010 10:58
Ja mialem to samo. Pierw usuneli mi ptz potem po dlugim czasie dostalem email. Nic nie zrobili. MYsle ze pierw poprostu jak przeczytali odcieli 50% a potem dopiero wyslali.
RE: Ważny e-mail (liczy się czas) - Yanke$ - 29-05-2010 13:09
Nie pierw, tylko najpierw