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Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - Wersja do druku

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RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - patryk6176 - 19-04-2013 18:21

ile się czeka na wypłatę ??

RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - Hosiek - 19-04-2013 18:23

Ja juz czekam 3 dni i nic, w newsie było ze wypłacili wiele osób ale jeszcze nie wszystkich, ktoś coś dostał ?

RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - dariklon - 19-04-2013 18:41

ja czekam już kilka dni, zaczekam do końca miesiąca i zobaczymy, pisali że niby do 30 wypłacą wszystkich zaległych a potem max 48 godz.

RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - patryk6176 - 19-04-2013 18:45

no a ja w ten wtorek, poczekamy zobaczymy Tongue

RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - kalutor - 20-04-2013 01:07

Póki co, trzy dni temu zleciłem wypłatę - całe dwa dolary Wink Jak dotąd ani widu, ani słychu...

RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - dariklon - 20-04-2013 23:41

ja zleciłem 8$ a teraz mam już kolejne5$ nazbierane, prawie dolara mi refki dziennie przynosza, ale co z tego jak na razie to wypłaty nie widać

RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - maciejrosa - 28-04-2013 02:19


RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - prymul1 - 28-04-2013 08:22

Wielki SCAM. Zleciłem wypłatę chyba 2 tygodnie temu. Na konto do tej pory nic nie dotarło. Należy przenieść ten temat do SCMU, bo szkoda żeby ludzie marnowali czas na klikaniu.

RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - as12200 - 01-05-2013 17:11

dostałem maila Big Grin ciekawe

Here we go! we will receive our payment within some hour now (we are very happy, there is long time ago we wait that) we will receive more than 35000$ on 3 days (today super rewards, tomorow or the 2nd May adworkmedia and supersonicads)

All your payout will be paid between tonight and the 6th May (we have more than 4000 pending requests, we paid manually and it take time, it's why we take average 1 weeks for paid all our members) of course we will keep you informed day by day!

Thanks to all member who have supported our website, many members,forums, etc. call our website scam because this month we take a time for paid, but it's ridiculous, we have set a timeframe very large (up to 45days) for a situation like this. One website is a scam when he don't paid members out timeframe, ex : if our timeframe is 48H and we take 2 weeks for paid that is a scam, but our website have set up to 45 days, and you wait 2 weeks max average so it's very ridiculous!

We will paid all members who have request payout, and the 10th May average all payments are instant for all

Thank you very much for your support, we will proof to all this scammers members, forums,etc. Our website is great! and Paid and many members who call our program scam will return to our website for make money.. Very fun!

Don't worry please if you have not receive your payment today or tomorow because we have more than 4000 members to paid and it take very very long to paid manually, it's why we have decided to add API for instant payout very soon and it's why we take up to 06/05/13 of timeframe for paid you.

Thanks you very much for all.

Next will be the greatest month for all our members!

Regards, Mondial Money inc

RE: Mondialmoney.net - polecam , warto! - Pidii - 07-05-2013 13:54

Wypłacają po około 45 dniach