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Nanoearn placi hit - Wersja do druku

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RE: Nanoearn placi hit - ciamciaj - 26-04-2012 05:40

Co się czepiam? Uzywasz calkowicie złych słów. Pisz poprawnie to sie czepiac nie bede bo tak wychodzisz jedynie na idiotę

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - nitram - 26-04-2012 20:16

Ktoś zaufany z forum pokusił się o zainwestowanie większej kwoty i sprawdzenie serwisu ?

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - damian880916 - 27-04-2012 11:32

koejny dowod wyplaty[img][Obrazek: 2zp7frn.png][/img]

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - soltys - 28-04-2012 16:30

Zainwestowalem w ten program juz miesiac temu. Wyplaty dochodza w niecale 2h, sprawny support, ochrona przed atakami hakerow. Uwazam ze nanoearn to inwestycja na conajmniej pol roku a moze dluzej. Nanoearn to oczywiscie hyip wiec napewno nadejdzie taki dzien ze przestanie wyplacac ale na obecna chwile uwazam ze warto zainwestowaac a sam program jest stabilny. Ja zarobilem juz 300% w miesiac.

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - damian880916 - 01-05-2012 07:23

osobiście polecam plan jednodniowy ponieważ daje największe zyski i kontrole pieniędzy (codziennie mamy kase możliwą do wypłąty bądz dalszej inwestycji)
plan 105% w 1 dzien - zarobek po 5dniach
1,05*1,05*1,05*1,05*1,05=1,276 (czyli zysk 27,6%)
Plan 127% w 5 dni - (zysk 27%)

kolejny dowod wyplaty
[Obrazek: 2ldfxnk.png]

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - damian880916 - 03-05-2012 07:32

Hej dostalem wczoraj maila od Nanoearn
Hello Dears!

With our increasing popularity and reputation, we have been receiving a lot of member registrations from people of various places all over the world. The huge exposure NanoEarn has been receiving as of late, has made us one of the biggest investment companies across the world. Our services are available in practically all countries of the planet. But, unfortunately, we are technically unable to localize our website and customer support in all the languages our global customers speak. We received several applications for regional representatives system in NanoEarn. We will choosing regional representatives who will actually make a difference for NanoEarn. Representatives play a very important role in marketing and support areas, especially for newcomers, and being selective is the only way to assure the quality of our customers. By the way, we have already received offers from some countries. Hurry up to be official representative of NanoEarn!

If you would like to be regional representatives, you should contact us. Please write to us stating why you want to become a representative and let us know about your past results in the high yield investment industry, if you have any ones. Our team will review your request and contact you within a few days.

Here are just a few tips on how regional representatives can be of help to investors:
Investor can get direct help from the representatives living in his Country and speaking his language.
Regional representative must help investor set up account and get started with investment.
Investor can call his regional representative to get immediate answers to his questions and get help with account.
Investor can have face-to-face conversations with regional representatives and ask all the questions he has.
Investor can take part in conferences, seminars and workshops held by our regional representatives in his country or region.
Investor can get detailed help on how to withdraw the interest fastest and most cost-efficient manner.
Investor will be able to get basic understanding on the correct way to report his earnings with us to his local tax authorities.
Representative will get 5% referral commission from all deposits of clients he helped.

So, we are waiting for your answers and suggestions.
Feel free to contact us and have a nice time!

Best wishes,
Nicholas Gray
NanoEarn Ltd.

Także Nanoearn rozwija się i ma zamiar zatrudnić osoby do supportu z różnych krajów (przedstawiciel regionalny), którzy bedą nam pomagac wrazie pytań w języku ojczystym.

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - damian880916 - 05-05-2012 21:51

następna wypłąta z nanoearn
[Obrazek: fwowg5.png]

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - Lolericeer - 06-05-2012 09:11

Widać, że wypłacają. Cóż, kiedyś się do niego przekonam. Popatrzyłem na monitory, i widać od razu, że wypłacalni są i że działają całkiem sprawnie. Jak otrzymam wypłaty z innych inwestycji, to może tu zainwestuje (o ile pozwoli mi wymiana).
Mam jeszcze pytanie: czy z E-Gold lub PayPal można zamienić bezpośrednio na konto LR lub PM?

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - damian880916 - 07-05-2012 22:24

nastepny dowod wyplaty[Obrazek: vfb3iv.png]

RE: Nanoearn placi hit - damian880916 - 09-05-2012 07:52

[Obrazek: 2wmm6hg.png]