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Smieszne chaty na Omegle.com - Wersja do druku

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Smieszne chaty na Omegle.com - BartuS - 26-03-2010 08:09

Wklejamy tu rozmowy o pomoc w lockerz.com

Cytat:You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: 21 y. female Germany
Stranger: 19/m/USA
Stranger: I don't believe you
You: why ?
Stranger: a 21 year old female from Germany is too good to be true
You: heheh Wink
You: Can you help me ?
Stranger: with what?
You: at lockerz.com ?
Stranger: this is an advertisement now?
You: no. I just have 796 ptz, and i want to redeem a PSP - 800ptz. If you sign up by my invite i can redeem a psp Smile
Stranger: What do I get out of the deal?
You: Your E-Mail
Stranger: I get my email out of the deal?
You: yes
Stranger: that doesn't make any sense
Stranger: I already have an email
You: i can send u some nude photos by me Tongue
Stranger: of you or by you?
You: of me ^^
Stranger: how will I receive those? And how can I be assured of this prize?
You: on e-mail
Stranger: And all I have to do is give you my email?
You: yep
Stranger: that sounds like an excellent plan
You: hmhm Smile