z-list - Jxx17 - 25-03-2010 16:30
Prosze o powiiedzeni mi o co chodzi daje +
Thanks for contacting Lockerz! Take a look at the issues below, and
if your issue isn't answered by this message, you'll hear from Lockerz
Support soon. Please DO NOT reply back to this message.
-We are aware that videos in PLAY are not working properly for some of
our members. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are working
on it as we speak....err, type.
-We have raised the value of prizes in PTZ Place. We adjusted PTZ
values based on what we pay for market price on the prizes.
-Also, check out the Hallway for all the latest March Radness news and
redemption info!
-Prize confirmations have been sent out to those who redeemed in
February and passed the fraud check! Prizes will be sent out soon!
-Invitations are going out on time. If you're trying to invite
friends and the invite button turns grey, please wait 24 hours and
limit the amount of friends you invite at a time. Also, have your
friends check their Spam folder in their inbox for their invite.
-Some members are experiencing login issues. This may be due to many
members being banned for fraudulent activity. We ask that you NEVER
give out any information concerning your account. Lockerz will never
ask for your password....EVER.
Keep rockin',
The Lockerz Crew
RE: z-list - reedo - 25-03-2010 16:31
Thanks for contacting Lockerz! Take a look at the issues below, and
if your issue isn't answered by this message, you'll hear from Lockerz
Support soon. Please DO NOT reply back to this message.
-We are aware that videos in PLAY are not working properly for some of
our members. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are working
on it as we speak....err, type.
-We have raised the value of prizes for this months redemption to give
everyone an equal chance at redeeming. Head over to the Hallway for
more information!
-Also, check out the Hallway for all the latest March Radness news and
redemption info!
-Prize confirmations have been sent out to those who redeemed in
February and passed the fraud check! Prizes will be sent out soon!
-Invitations are going out on time. If you're trying to invite
friends and the invite button turns grey, please wait 24 hours and
limit the amount of friends you invite at a time. Also, have your
friends check their Spam folder in their inbox for their invite.
-Some members are experiencing login issues. This may be due to many
members being banned for fraudulent activity. We ask that you NEVER
give out any information concerning your account. Lockerz will never
ask for your password....EVER.
Cytat:Hej! Dzieki za skontaktowanie sie z Lockerz! Spojrz na przedstawione ponizej problemy, jesli nie ma tam rozwiazania na twoj problem, to odezwie sie wkrotce do ciebie ktos z pomocy technicznej Lockerz. Nie odpowiadaj na ta wiadomosc.
-Zdajemy sobie sprawe z tego, ze niektore z filmikow nie odtwarzaja sie poprawnie. Przepraszamy za ta niedogodnosc, pracujemy nad rozwiazaniem tego problemu.
-Podnieslismy ceny nagrod w restocku w tym miesiacu, by dac wszystkim taka sama szanse na zamowienia nagrody. Aby dowiedziec sie wiecej rzuc okiem na Hallway.
- Poza tym, jesli chcesz dowiedziec sie wiecej o March Radness to takze sprawdz Hallway.
-Potwierdzenia zostaly wyslane do wszystkich, ktorzy zamowili cos na na restocku w lutym i przeszli pomyslnie sprawdzanie ich kont. Nagrody zostana niebawem wyslane!
-Zaproszenia sa wysylane bez opoznien. Jesli probujesz kogos zaprosic, a przycisk Invite zmienia kolor na szary, to odczekaj 24 godziny, poniewaz przekroczyles limit zaproszen. Ponadto, twoi znajomi powinni sprawdzic folder Spam. Moze sie tam znalezc twoje zaproszenie.
-Niektorzy uzytkownicy moga miec problemy z zalogowaniem. Moze byc to spowodowane zbanowaniem za wykryte na koncie nieprawidlowosci. Prosimy was, byscie nigdy nie podawali nikomu zadnych informacji o waszym koncie. Lockerz nigdy nie zapyta was o wasze haslo...przenigdy.