Kradzież konta - Odpowiedź od supportu - BartuS - 03-05-2011 21:48
Cytat:Draken, May-02 12:59 pm (PDT):
Hey Bartek,
We're happy to inform you that after much delay, our fraud team has been able to successfully retrieve your account and revert it to your possession! An email has been sent to the original Lockerz user email address that you used to first sign up to Lockerz, and you will find in it all of the information needed to revert your account back into your possession. Please follow the exact instructions. Once entering your account, please correct all of your personal information, as some may be missing or changed.
We understand that you may find other alterations on your account that were created by the hacker. You may see additional Decalz, friends, and even a change in your PTZ total. Unfortunately, if you find that you have lost PTZ, that loss cannot be changed. While we regret that this has happened to your account, Lockerz is not responsible for PTZ stolen due to external breaches of the account.
Multiple Accounts:
We realize that some members chose to create new accounts during the period that their account was hijacked so that they could participate in daily Lockerz activities. That is perfectly understandable. However, now that your original account has been restored, you will temporarily have two accounts. This is, of course, against our Terms of Use. In order to rectify this situation, we request that you choose which of these two accounts you would prefer to keep. Unfortunately, we cannot switch PTZ from one account to another -- you must choose an account to keep and one to close. If you fail to do this within the next two (2) weeks, both accounts will be banned for violating our Terms, so please follow the instructions below.
Please reply to this email immediately!
In your reply, please give us the email address for both the hacked account and your new account. Tell us which account you have chosen to keep, and which you would like to have disabled. Again, as long as you tell us within two (2) weeks' time you will not be penalized. We will delete the account of your choosing as quickly as possible.
Just a Reminder:
In most cases a Lockerz account cannot be hacked unless the owner of the account gives out his/her password. Lockerz will never ask for your password, except to login on our official site. As such, you should NEVER give out your Lockerz password (or any password!) in the future.
Again, thanks for your patience during this long process, and for being a loyal Lockerz member! We are sorry for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.
The Lockerz Crew
Draken l Member Experience Guru l
TIP OF THE DAY: Always check the FAQ database to commonly asked questions. For QUICKER responses to queries not related to "Where's My Stuff?", post a question in the Community Forum.
RE: Kradzież konta - Odpowiedź od supportu - skowroneQ - 03-05-2011 21:50
Przywrócili to konto na ten mail, z którego je zarejestrowałeś. Dawaj reputa noobie.
RE: Kradzież konta - Odpowiedź od supportu - BartuS - 03-05-2011 21:53
huh, no własnie nie, bo ani nie dostalem zadnego maila, ani nie moge sie zalogowac... Nie dam repa... ;d
RE: Kradzież konta - Odpowiedź od supportu - skowroneQ - 03-05-2011 21:59
Już mi dali. Twoim repem od dzisiaj gardzę.
RE: Kradzież konta - Odpowiedź od supportu - cinexik - 03-05-2011 22:19
skowro, rządzisz! XD
ja nie pogardzę niczyim repem
RE: Kradzież konta - Odpowiedź od supportu - InTeR - 03-05-2011 22:40
BartuS przywrócili na 1 e-mail jaki był ogólnie może zmieniałeś ten mail?
RE: Kradzież konta - Odpowiedź od supportu - Yanke$ - 04-05-2011 07:09
Przykładowo rejestrowałeś się z mejla [email protected] ale potem coś ci szczeliło i zmieniłeś na [email protected] i dlatego nie masz na tym drugim nic
RE: Kradzież konta - Odpowiedź od supportu - BartuS - 04-05-2011 10:09
No miałem pierwszy mail [email protected] :> Potem zmieniłem na [email protected], wiec powinno przyjść na ten pierwszy, ale nic nie ma