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Proszę o tłumaczenie maila - Wersja do druku

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Proszę o tłumaczenie maila - bartek1997 - 04-03-2010 18:46

Dear Lockerz Member:

Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of cool, hip, in-the-know trendsetters who have discovered Lockerz very early. For that, you get lots of benefits, including a free Lockerz t-shirt.

We are writing to tell you that your Lockerz Z-List T-shirt was shipped within the last few days. If you live in the US, you should receive your Z-List T-shirt within two weeks. If you live outside the US, you should receive your Z-List T-shirt within four weeks.

Please note, there are no tracking numbers. This is the only email you will receive from Lockerz about your Z-List T-shirt.

Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-list status. Keep earning PTZ so that you're ready to redeem when we re-launch PTZ Place later this month.


The Lockerz Crew

Lockerz is not responsible for shirts that might be sent to addresses that were not accurately provided to Lockerz. Lockerz is not responsible for shirts sent to non-US addresses that, in very rare instances, might get held up at customs.

Dam +

RE: Proszę o tłumaczenie maila - reedo - 04-03-2010 18:53

Cytat:Dear Lockerz Member:

Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of cool, hip, in-the-know trendsetters who have discovered Lockerz very early. For that, you get lots of benefits, including a free Lockerz t-shirt.

We are writing to tell you that your Lockerz Z-List T-shirt was shipped within the last few days. If you live in the US, you should receive your Z-List T-shirt within two weeks. If you live outside the US, you should receive your Z-List T-shirt within four weeks.

Please note, there are no tracking numbers. This is the only email you will receive from Lockerz about your Z-List T-shirt.

Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-list status. Keep earning PTZ so that you're ready to redeem when we re-launch
PTZ Place later this month.

Lockerz is not responsible for shirts that might be sent to addresses that were not accurately provided to Lockerz. Lockerz is not responsible for shirts sent to non-US addresses that, in very rare instances, might get held up at customs.

Cytat:Drogi uzytkowniku Lockerz:
Gratulacja z okazji zostania Z-Listerem. Jestes teraz czlonkiem bardzo ekskluzywnej grupy fajnych, wiedzacych o co biega trendsetterow, ktorzy odkryli Lockerz bardzo wczesnie. Z racji tego otrzymasz wiele przywilejow, w tym darmowa koszulke Lockerz.

Piszemy, by powiedziec ci, ze twoja koszulka zostala wyslana w przeciagu kilku ostatnich dni. Jesli mieszkasz w USA, powinienes ja otrzymac w przeciagu 2 tygodni. Jesli mieszkasz poza granicami USA, powinienes ja otrzymac w ciagu 4 tygodni.

Zauwaz prosze, ze nie ma numeru pozwalajacego na namierzenie paczki z koszulka. To jest jedyny email na temat twojej koszulki, ktory otrzymasz od Lockerz.

Dziekujemy za bycie uzytkownikiem Lockerz i za zdobycie statusu Z-List. Zdobywaj punkty dalej, abys byl gotowy do zamowienia nagrody, gdy ponownie otworzymy PTZ Place pozniej w tym miesiacu.

Lockerz nie bierze odpowiedzialnosci za koszulki, ktore mogly byc wyslane na adres, ktory zostal zle wprowadzony oraz za koszulki, ktore zostaly wyslane poza granice USA, poniewaz w rzadkich przypadkach moga byc one zatrzymane przez sluzbe celna.