Pomocy- traffic junky - Wersja do druku +- Praca w domu - Dodatkowa Praca - Zarabianie przez Internet (https://zarabiam.com) +-- Dział: Uploading (/Forum-Uploading-282) +--- Dział: Sieci CPA (/Forum-Sieci-CPA-363) +--- Wątek: Pomocy- traffic junky (/Temat-Pomocy-traffic-junky-174937) |
Pomocy- traffic junky - PETERILLUSION - 11-12-2022 15:16 Witam, poprosiłem support o aktywację PopUnders i dostałem odmowną odpowiedź: "Thank you for choosing to advertise with TrafficJunky. We have received your request to gain access to PopUnders. At this time, your account is not eligible for this ad type. Our compliance team is looking for actively advertising accounts with a healthy history on the TrafficJunky platform. Please continue advertising with the ad types currently available to you, and check back with us at a later date to confirm your eligibility for PopUnders. You can also request a free performance check for any of your campaigns once they have run for more than 24 hours. Please do not hesitate to connect with us on chat, or simply reply to this email if you have any more questions for us." Czy ktoś z was wie może co trzeba zrobić żeby włączyli PopUnders na koncie? Za wszelkie informację z góry bardzo dziękuję. |