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Chatpraca i Cloudworkers - Wersja do druku

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Chatpraca i Cloudworkers - grzesiek8305 - 24-05-2022 16:41

Cześć, z uwagi na to że moderator usunął poprzedni wątek z tą tematyką, to pozwoliłem sobie założyć nowy temat, w którym chciałbym porównać te dwie firmy.

Jakbyście mogli się wypowiedzieć o nich konkretnie, jeżeli pracowaliście bądź dalej pracujecie dla któreś z tej firm, a najlepiej w obu, by mieć porównanie.

Mam na myśli wiarygodność, zarobki i ogólnie kwestie prawne - nie jestem w temacie i jak jakaś stronka wymaga pokazania mojego dowodu osobistego, w celu rzekomej weryfikacji wieku to budzi to moje podejrzenia.

Na dole pokazuje wiadomość od Cloudworkers, jaką dostałem - co o tym myślicie, nie wymagają zbyt wiele?

"I’m delighted to hear you would like to join the team!

All I have to do now is collect the necessary paperwork (see attachments), once I have that, I will set up your logins and send you out the chat guidelines and manual. Then I will give you a day or two to learn what is in the manual and check out the chat. In this time, you are free to write your first messages if there are no major issues or questions with the work. These messages would be paid.

After your first look at everything, you would meet with our Polish speaking trainer on Skype (0.5-1 hours) and he would answer any questions and help you get started.

For now, I will need the following:

1) The freelancer contract must be printed out by yourself, signed in ink at the bottom, scanned, and emailed back to us.

2) We also need a scanned copy of your ID (passport or driver's license) so we can verify you're over 18 years old

3) The 'Self-Billing Agreement' must also be signed like the contract. This form concerns our automatic invoicing system. Cloudworkers must be invoiced for the freelance services you provide every month, however we have a system where we invoice (or 'bill') ourselves automatically, so that you are not required to write the invoice manually. The invoice will be emailed to you for your records after payment is sent out. To complete this, I will also need your address details (Street, Number, Post Code, City, Country), which must be typed up in the four boxes at the top of the attached spreadsheet document, 'Payment information'.

If you do not have access to a scanner right now, a photo of your ID, the first and last pages of the contract, the Self-Billing Agreement and the proof of address will be enough for the interim period.

These items are what we need before we can get you started. Once I get that back from you and check it then I can get you sorted with the logins and training.

IF you DO want to give your payment information now (rather than wait until the end of the month), I will accept a fully complete version of the attached spreadsheet, 'Payment Information'. You should fill out the top four boxes of your address. You also need to fill ALL the required fields related to which payment method you will use: bank transfer in the EU OR bank transfer outside the EU OR PayPal. You pick ONLY ONE payment method.

Furthermore, we will need the following documents to confirm your payment details:

1. if you choose PayPal as your payment method:

a) utility or telephone bill or bank statement. It is important that it is not older than 6 months!

b) you must take a screenshot of your PayPal account, clearly showing your name and address (Personal information), nothing else should be visible. This picture must not be older than 6 months!

2. If you choose the bank transfer option:

a) bank statement

b) utility or telephone bill (these documents must not be older than 6 months)

When you send the Payment Information, I ask that you just fill the sheet out on your computer and send it back in the same or similar format (no need to print this out).

You should also add me on Skype as soon as you can by searching my email address, [email protected]. If your Skype username is not similar to your name, I would appreciate it if you mention who you are in your contact request. If you cannot find me, you can also tell me what your Skype is and how to find you.

Of course, if you have any further questions all you have to do is ask!


RE: Chatpraca i Cloudworkers - Captain - 25-05-2022 03:22

Najpierw upewnij się czy oferta to nie oszustwo, w sensie czy ta firma naprawdę oferuje jakąś pracę zdalną i faktycznie tam zatrudnia. Ciekawe co to właściwie za czaty są, że potrzebują takich moderatorów, nie lepiej byłoby dać te funkcje użytkownikom którzy dużo korzystają z czatu i pewnie chętnie robiliby to za darmo (tak jak to bywa czesto na polskich czatach i forach internetowych) zamiast werbować kogoś z zewnątrz i za to płacić? Widziałeś chociaż to ich ,,miejsce pracy'' (czat co to tam jest) i masz pewność, że istnieje?

Chatpraca i Cloudworkers - Hybrid1990 - 25-05-2022 08:55

Wątek został przeniesiony do kosza.
Prawdopodobne przyczyny :

1. Temat jest niezgodny z regulaminem.
2. Podobny temat znajduje się już na forum.
3. Wątek nie jest już aktualny.
4. Autor prosił o jego przeniesienie.
5. Temat został wyczerpany bądź rozwiązany.

Administracja Forum.