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Do usunięcia! - Czarny767 - 27-11-2010 13:39

Lepiej nie piszmy do Nich nic o PlusExpress ,bo wtedy mogą być problemy..

RE: Mail w sprawie PlusExpress ! - diabloo07 - 27-11-2010 13:43

Ja napisalem cos takiego:

Why are you cancelling orders shipped to .... 632 Hickman LN Woodstock Illinois? It's not our fault that you are so slow in making shop for other countries, so this is the only way to do it - it's the address of a shipping company which provides shipping services to eg. Poland. Also we can avoid taxes using their services. Please don't cancel such orders anymore, because it's not fair.

I najlepiej napisac to w formularzu kontaktowym, jako temat dac I have a question.......SHOP.

RE: Mail w sprawie PlusExpress ! - Yanke$ - 27-11-2010 13:43

Hi Kathy! Why do we all get cancelled prize? Is it about that adress(PlusExpress)? If so, you can be sure that our prizes are safe, because this is a delivering company. We sent prizes to them(and to Poland then), because this is the only way to get items from Shop and others.

RE: Mail w sprawie PlusExpress ! - Czarny767 - 27-11-2010 13:54

Do usunięcia!

RE: Mail w sprawie PlusExpress ! - Czarny767 - 27-11-2010 14:50

Napisałem do Kathy na twitterze , czemu jest tyle anulacji,a Ona odpisała:
"We do not ship to non residential addresses to avoid country restrictions. Sorry."

RE: Mail w sprawie PlusExpress ! - Czarny767 - 27-11-2010 16:58

Rozmowa z Piotrem Kowalskim - Szef PlusExpress!


Do usunięcia! - Killer - 11-03-2011 01:34

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