Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - KristopheR - 11-09-2010 08:23
Tekst Oryginalny:
Cytat:Z-List® Only Redemption:
To be eligible to participate in this redemption, you:
(1) must legitimately have or obtain Z-List status no later than Saturday, September 11, 2010 @ 11:59 PM EDT . You are helping build a Lockerz community so, if you have not reached Z-List yet, do it right and do not resort to spamming invitations or emailing random people to join.
(2) must never have obtained any product (except for a desktop wallpaper) through the use of PTZ® during a Lockerz redemption. For purposes of this redemption, you will be considered to have obtained a product other than a desktop wallpaper if Lockerz has had such a product sent to you or has any record that such a product is in the process of being sent to you, regardless of whether you actually have received the product yet.
Here are the Rules:
1. This redemption will only be in one wave. No member will be allowed to redeem PTZ for more than one product or item. As with all redemptions, there is a limited inventory of products available, and Lockerz makes no promises or guarantees that eligibility to enter PTZ Place or to participate in this redemption will result in you being able to successfully redeem PTZ or obtain any item.
2. Shipping PTZ are now included in the PTZ level of all physical items, but not digital items (PayPal™ etc.).
3. There will be no exchanges, returns, cancellations or PTZ refunds on redeemed products or items.
4. Using your browser’s autofill tool or any other automated means to enter required information is NOT allowed (including Roboform) and will not work as we continue to introduce new anti-botting measures.
5. Your use of any bots, scripts, programs, or any method that involves the use of deception, false information, fraud, manipulation, avoidance, or cheating of any kind or your enabling others to do so (whether related to this redemption, qualifying for this redemption or any use whatsoever of the website) is strictly prohibited. Any such violation will result in disqualification from this redemption, order cancellation, and, any further penalties Lockerz deems appropriate, including loss of all or any portion of PTZ, and termination of membership.
6. In addition to complying with these Rules, terms, and conditions, all Lockerz Terms of Use and PTZ Rules apply to this redemption. Violation of any of these requirements, terms and conditions will result in disqualification from this redemption, order cancellation, and any further penalties Lockerz deems appropriate.
7. Lockerz, in its sole discretion and at any time, will make any and all determinations regarding violations, penalties, and all other matters affecting this redemption.
1. Every package sent internationally will be labeled as a “gift.” However, you are responsible for all duties, taxes, and other fees imposed by any government authority, compliance with any and all laws, regulations, and requirements as the importer of this product, and suitability for use in the destination country.
2. All addresses must be accurate and entered correctly. If the address you enter does not exist or is not entered correctly, Lockerz will cancel your order. Any item Lockerz has shipped to you which you return for any reason will be cancelled and not sent to you an additional time. Lockerz also will not refund any PTZ you redeemed for the returned item.
Other Information:
1. All gift cards are subject to any and all requirements and limitations imposed by the issuer, which is not Lockerz, and/or the named company, including but not limited to the possibility of not being valid for use in all locations or at all times. Lockerz is not responsible for and will not refund any PTZ for gift cards that are rejected based on any such requirements or limitations. As made clear in the product overview, Lockerz also has been able to determine that none of the gift cards available during this redemption are valid for use outside of the US and therefore should not be selected by international members. If any member who has a profile address outside the US ignores this information and still attempts to redeem PTZ for such a gift card, Lockerz will halt the complete processing of this redemption request and leave the PTZ associated with the gift card in the member’s account. Except for these two actions, Lockerz will not offer or provide the member with a substitute or alternative card or item of any kind, authorize participation in any other redemption based on the member’s choice of a gift card in this redemption, or take any other steps to overturn, reverse, or alter the member’s choice of a gift card.
2. The redemption of PTZ for a gift card is not actually sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with the companies issuing, named or referenced on the gift card. The logos, marks, names, taglines, and other company references on the gift cards may be protected intellectual property under applicable laws. The distribution of such cards is not intended to infringe on those property rights and may cease at any time upon an owner’s request.
Cytat:Aby mieć uprawnienie wejścia do tego uzupełnienia to:
1. Musisz w sposób legalny uzyskać status Z-List nie później niż w sobotę 12 września, 5:59 (naszego czasu). Jeżeli jesteś pomocny w budowaniu serwisu Lockerz i nie osiągnąłeś jeszcze Z-List'y, zrób to legalnie i nie uciekaj się do spamowania lub wysyłania zaproszeń do przypadkówych ludzi aby się przyłączyli.
2.Aby dostac sie do restocku, musiałes nigdy nic nie zamówić (tapeta na pulpit się nie liczy) wykorzystując swoje PTZ w trakcie uzupełnienia Lockerz. Do celów niniejszego uzupełnienia zalicza się to, że uzyskasz inny produkt niż tapeta na pulpit, jeżeli Lockerz będzie miał ten produkt wyśle go do Ciebie albo "zapisze" sobie, że ten produkt będzie w trakcie wysyłania do Ciebie, niezależnie od tego czy w rzeczywistości otrzymasz już produkt.
Nie tłumaczyłem całego tekstu ponieważ jest to regulamin, który ostatnio był na uzupełnieniu. Reszta regulaminu dostępna jest tutaj. Tekst jest trochę nie zrozumiały w ostatnich linijkach ^
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - omisiu - 11-09-2010 08:38
Czyli z-lista trzeba było zdobyć do dzisiaj rana do 6?
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - Razer - 11-09-2010 08:45
Nie, do jutra 6:00.
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - KoGi - 11-09-2010 09:34
Posiadam Z-List nigdy nic jeszcze nie wygrałem pozostaje mi nic innego jak tylko kampić
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - NaoS - 11-09-2010 10:28
Czyli nie będzie PayPali na restocku? :/
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - KristopheR - 11-09-2010 10:33
Dlaczego miało by nie być?
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - Monster - 11-09-2010 11:26
2. Shipping PTZ are now included in the PTZ level of all physical items, but not digital items (PayPal™ etc.).
To znaczy że mam dostęp jak tylko PayPale zamówiłem ?
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - KristopheR - 11-09-2010 11:28
Takie info to ma każdy xD
Nie ma, że PP są jakimś wyjątkiem. Więc raczej nie zakwalifikowałeś się.
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - NaoS - 11-09-2010 11:29
2. Shipping PTZ are now included in the PTZ level of all physical items, but not digital items (PayPal™ etc.).
Dlatego :/
RE: Regulamin Z-List uzupełnienia ! - matt88 - 11-09-2010 11:29
(11-09-2010 11:29)NaoS napisał(a): 2. Shipping PTZ are now included in the PTZ level of all physical items, but not digital items (PayPal™ etc.).
Dlatego :/
Chyba zle przetlumaczyles bo to wcale nie oznacza ze nie bedzie paypali tylko : Ceny wysyłki są już wliczonę w ceny nagród z wyjątkiem produktów cyfrowych (PayPal ™ itp.).
Dostep mam, moze wreszcie uda mi sie cos zamowic
Oby nie powtorzyla sie sytuacja z ostatniego restocku
To kampimy w poniedzialek !