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Mail ws. paypala - Wersja do druku

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Mail ws. paypala - djmax - 17-07-2010 22:11

prosiłbym o przetłumaczenie tego maila skierowanego do kathy czy innej osoby od wysyłki nagród dotyczącego mojego paypala:

Witam czekam już 11 dni na potwierdzenie o mojej wygranej. Jestem zaniepokojony ponieważ do tej pory nie dostałem żadnej informacji. Czym jest to spowodowane i czy dostanę swoją nagrode w najbliższym czasie. Pozdrawiam [email protected]

RE: Mail ws. paypala - alien97 - 17-07-2010 22:43

Sory za spam ale ja rowniez dam plusa za przetlumaczenie tego poniewaz to mnie tez dotyczy

RE: Mail ws. paypala - djmax - 18-07-2010 09:18

Hi, im waiting for a 11 days for a Paypal prize what i woned in the last redemption. Im Disturbed because im haven't got any Confirmation and i want to know what is happening with my Prize. Best Regards [email protected] P.S: Sorry for my english mistakes ok tak napisałem niech ktoś sprawdzi czy takie moge wysłac

RE: Mail ws. paypala - cpr - 18-07-2010 09:31

(17-07-2010 22:11)djmax napisał(a):  prosiłbym o przetłumaczenie tego maila skierowanego do kathy czy innej osoby od wysyłki nagród dotyczącego mojego paypala:

Witam czekam już 11 dni na potwierdzenie o mojej wygranej. Jestem zaniepokojony ponieważ do tej pory nie dostałem żadnej informacji. Czym jest to spowodowane i czy dostanę swoją nagrode w najbliższym czasie. Pozdrawiam [email protected]

Hello Dear Lockerz Team. I`m writing because I`ve been waiting for 11 days for my gift confirmation. I am a bit concerned because I haven`t received any information yet. Can you check what`s ging on with my last redeem.gift please?

Best regards

RE: Mail ws. paypala - Zythus - 18-07-2010 11:17

Witam czekam już 11 dni na potwierdzenie o mojej wygranej. Jestem zaniepokojony ponieważ do tej pory nie dostałem żadnej informacji. Czym jest to spowodowane i czy dostanę swoją nagrode w najbliższym czasie. Pozdrawiam [email protected]

Cytat:Hello, Im waiting already 11 days for prize confirmation. I'm upset, cause till now I didn't received any information. By what it's caused, and will I get my prize in nearest time. Greetings, [email protected]

RE: Mail ws. paypala - tracerxD - 18-07-2010 11:25

heh ale oni jeszcze nikomu nie wysłali potwierdzeeeeń
też czekam , w koncu to 70 zł ;PWink)

RE: Mail ws. paypala - djmax - 19-07-2010 17:09

dostalem odpowiedz i wychodzi z tego ze w ciagu tygodnia powinienem dostac paypal:
Hey Lockerz Member,

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about redemption. If this FAQ
did not answer your questions, please feel free to let me know.

Q: Who can participate in the SHOP Early Bird Redemption?

A: The Early Bird redemption will be open for any member who spent $1.79 or
more (excluding shipping and taxes) on SHOP between July 1st @ 12:00 am EDT and
July 11th @ 11:59 pm EDT.

Q: I redeemed a prize! What do I need to do now?

A: Congratulations! Your PTZ should have already been deducted in your account.
If there is no account activity that violates our Terms of Use, you will
receive your confirmation within a week.

Q: When do I get my confirmation receipt?

A: You should receive it within a week.

Q: How many prizes can I redeem?

A: If you have qualified legitimately for the Early Bird redemption, you are
eligible to redeem one (1) prize.

Q: I didn't redeem a prize.

A: We know that you are probably disappointed if you didn't get the prize you
want, but keep racking up those PTZ! There will be a second SHOP redemption
soon for members who spend $1.79 or more (excluding shipping and taxes) on SHOP
between July 12th@ 12:00 am EDT and July 18th @ 11:59 pm EDT. In addition, the
next general redemption is coming! This general redemption will be open to all
members that earn at least 100 PTZ between July 1st @ 12:00 am EDT and July 30th
@ 11:59 pm EDT.

Q: I redeemed a prize in the Early Bird redemption. Can I also redeem a prize
in the next SHOP redemption and/or the next general redemption?

A: As long as you qualified legitimately for all of those redemptions, you are
eligible to redeem one (1) prize in EACH redemption.

Q: I couldn’t get into the redemption! What happened?

A: One of two things may have happened: To be eligible for the Early Bird
redemption, you had to spend $1.79 or more (excluding shipping and taxes) on
SHOP between July 1st @ 12:00 am EDT and July 11th @ 11:59 pm EDT. If you did
not meet this requirement – if you made a purchase with only PTZ, for example –
you would have been denied entry to the redemption. Also, if you did meet the
requirements and did not clear your cache and cookies, or changed email
addresses, you may have been denied entry.

Q: When is the next redemption?

A: Stay tuned to the Hallway for updates concerning the next SHOP redemption
and the next general redemption!

Q: You Guys put this item in the next redemption?

A: Thanks for offering your suggestion. Please make sure to send an email to
[email protected] for any redemption and SHOP suggestions you may have.



Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]

RE: Mail ws. paypala - gaspare - 20-07-2010 17:21

Już są potwierdzenia/anulacje więc sprawdź skrzynkę :>

RE: Mail ws. paypala - Jumper002 - 21-07-2010 08:04

nie wszyscy jeszcze dostali ja np jeszcze zadnego maila od lockerz nie dostalem a za 25$ mi ptz odjelo