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Sprawdzenie pisowni - Gumowy - 09-07-2010 15:42

Mógłby ktoś sprawdzic czy dobrze napisałem? Big Grin

Cytat:Hi Kathy!

I have some questions about "Early Bird Redemption".

I live in Poland but i have family in USA. If I buy something in SHOP and in shipping info I give address my family could I participate and get prize in Early Bird Redemption?

Will on Early Bird Redemption PayPal be available?

What with prices?

I have hope you will answer on this questions.


RE: Sprawdzenie pisowni - Zythus - 09-07-2010 15:51

Cytat:Hi Kathy!

I have some questions about "Early Bird Redemption".

I live in Poland but i have family in USA. If I buy something in SHOP and in shipping info I give my family address, could I participate and get prize in Early Bird Redemption?

Paypal will be available in Early Bird Redemption?

What will be the prices?

I hope you'll answer all these questions.

RE: Sprawdzenie pisowni - Miu - 09-07-2010 15:58

Cytat:Will on Early Bird Redemption PayPal be available?

cos mi w tym zdaniu nie pasuje ;p
dokładniej dodałbym cos po tym Payapal,np "PayPal prizes"?
Pozatym wg.mnie spoko

RE: Sprawdzenie pisowni - Zythus - 11-07-2010 07:52

A u mnie?
"Paypal will be available in Early Bird Redemption?"
Prosze o odpowiedź mój mistrzu.

RE: Sprawdzenie pisowni - Yanke$ - 11-07-2010 08:25

Cytat:Hi Kathy!
I have some questions about "Early Bird Redemption".
I live in Poland but i have family in USA. If I buy something in SHOP and in shipping info I give address my family could I participate and get prize in Early Bird Redemption?
Will on Early Bird Redemption PayPal be available?
What with prices?
I have hope you will answer on this questions.

Cytat:Hi Kathy !
I have a few questions about 'Early Bird Redemption'.
I live in Poland but I have family living in the U.S.A. If I'll buy something in Shop and in shipping adress I'll give my family adress could I participate and get prize in Early Bird Redemption ?
What about cash on PayPal - will it appear in redemptions' prizes ?
What with prices ? Will they rise in price ?
I hope you'll answer on all this question

RE: Sprawdzenie pisowni - Zythus - 12-07-2010 15:35

Cytat:What with prices ? Will they rise in price ?
Cytat:I hope you'll answer on all this question
a może,
Cytat:I hope you'll answer all of these questions?

Ale gratki za chęci Smile

RE: Sprawdzenie pisowni - Yanke$ - 12-07-2010 17:15

'Zythus napisał(a):
Cytat:What with prices ? Will they rise in price?
Ty jesteś śmieszny Smile rise in price to jest sformuowanie 'podrożeć', może to wygląda śmiesznie, ale przynajmniej poprawnie;

Cytat:I hope you'll answer on all this question
Oj mój błąd, ale jeżeli poprawimy this -> these
Cytat:I hope you'll answer on all these question
wyjdzie na to samo Smile

RE: Sprawdzenie pisowni - Zythus - 13-07-2010 07:28

No wyjdzie wyjdzie Big Grin Ale poprawnie do końca powinno być

"może to wygląda śmiesznie, ale przynajmniej poprawnie;"
dokładnie Big Grin
Ale.. ty napisałeś po dokładniejszym przetłumaczeniu..
"What with prices ? Will they rise in price ?"
Co z cenami? Czy będą wyższe w cenach?

xD A to trochę śmiesznie brzmi. bardziej pasowałoby
"What with priZes ? Will they rise in price ?"
Co oznacza
Co z nagrodami? Czy podrożeją <- wg. ciebie Tongue