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[SCAM] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - Wersja do druku

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RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - Guacamoled - 27-10-2015 15:14

Mniej więcej ile czekacie na wypłatę (PayPal)?

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - dariuszxdd - 27-10-2015 16:04

Ok 6 godzin, ale max mogą iść do 48h.
Obecnie trwa wyłapywanie botów, multi kont itp.
Jednym słowem Han i spółka czyści serwis ze szkodników Big Grin

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - Karolo - 27-10-2015 17:31

moja wyplata od 27h pending a druga juz zlecona

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - dariuszxdd - 27-10-2015 18:09

najszybciej chodzi perfect money, i STP. Paypal z opóźnieniami.
Zapraszam do oficjalnej grupy : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1635026263430378/

Tam pod odpowiednim tematem można napisać i na pewno dużo szybciej zajmą sie tym ludzie Hana, lub sam Han.

ps. łapią boty obecnie i mogą być opóźnienia z wypłatami Smile

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - NowyWymiarSMS - 27-10-2015 21:16

W grupie było napisane przez admina, że PP nie będzie brał prowizji, to prawda?

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - Tomcato - 27-10-2015 21:44

Prawda PayPal 0%

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - kubn2 - 27-10-2015 22:37

niektórzy czekają już 8 dni na przelew :E

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - dariuszxdd - 28-10-2015 07:45

Wiadomość od Hana dobre wieści Smile

Hello HQFamily,
Good news to all HQFamily Instant Cashout on Payza, PerfectMoney & SolidTrustPay, However we will implement a NEW fees on ALL our processor. Below are the new fees.
Paypal 4% ( Before 6%)
Payza 5% ( Before 6% )
SolidTrustPay 4% ( Before 5% )
PerfectMoney 3% ( Before 5% )
Bitcoin 0%
**All Deposit fees are to cover merchant fees**
Paypal 2%
Payza 2%
SolidTrustPay 2%
PerfectMoney 2%
Bitcoin 2%
**Overall monthly total fees collected goes too as follow, 30% will be on reserve, 10% will be for HQteam fees, 60% Revenue pool for sharing. Reserve Funds are use for interchange within HQ processor to each other whenever in future funds is needed for cashout.**.
Do take note instant withdrawal daily will be on random selection for admin to approve for security measure. ( stick to your mind only contact us after 48 hours if request cashout is still on pending)
Please make sure your payment details is accurate, check at under quick menu > personal details > Payment details..... https://hqrevshare.c0m/payment_details.php
Paypal - Email address that you use to log in to your Paypal ( Not Merchant ID, Not Phone number and Not CC number)
Payza - Email address that you use to login at Payza
SolidTrustPay - Username at your STP account ( Case Sensitive A & a is not the same!)
PerfectMoney - In your account the number that start with U ( Case sensitive U & u is not the same!)
Bitcoin - Your wallet address ( Not email address)
We are still working on Bitcoin Instant deposit & another damn good news Paypal have approve our API for Instant cashout, so dev team are working to implented in our scripts and it may take few weeks from now!
We are aware of the support tickets having really slow responce we are working to have a better support ticket system to be implement in our platform, as the current support ticket have bugs that when we reply at our back office nothing was sent.
For any changes of Payment details of error or payment concerns you may direct it to [email protected] ( Lead by Nisa Han) the account team will assist in all payment matters.
We are here for long term, we strive to give the best nothing is perfect and no way we can make everyone happy.
Let Our numbers speak for itself
51,983 Quality Members
$11,627,465.00 Total Purchases (Only Adpack purchases and including Main & RP balance)
$2,790,074.13 Total Cashout
6,516 Alexa Rank
All is done in 81 DAYS!
Are we the best Revenue Share of the year? You decide!
Han Mohamad is on serious task to bring HQ to a new level, his time in FB and Skpe limited and will be handle by the HQteam for this couple of days. So be prepared he will come back with something Awesome!
HQ Marketing manager
Email - HQteam@hqrotatingads. com

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - Miko93PL - 28-10-2015 11:57

Widać ze program sie rozwija stałe cos zmienia duży plus dla programu aczkolwiek maja małe problemy z wypłatami i wpłatami niektórym użytkownikom nie odpisuje support i nic nie robi w kierunku rozwiązania problemu ( moja wpłata wisi juz 5 dzień ) niestety długi czas odpowiedzi ze strony supportu to częste zjawisko w programach hyip Sad

RE: [PŁACI] HQRevshare - 150% ROI PayPal - rafciu - 28-10-2015 12:17

Mi w 32h wypłacili na PP. Czekaj cierpliwie. I życzę wysokich zarobków Smile