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PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - Wersja do druku

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RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - Lamojednorożec - 02-01-2015 21:07

Jeszcze nie

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - Gravity - 02-01-2015 21:10

Mają być o 22-23.

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - SmigolMarek - 02-01-2015 21:13

Ok dzięki za info myślałem że już były

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - zozols1 - 02-01-2015 21:26

No kur.... 21:15 paypal błąd błąd błąd błąd błąd błąd błąd .... klikam xxx razy. 21:20 nie da się kupić ... Dzięki Ci Joel'u. Ty przeciwko mnie ...
Udało wam się zakupić z pp? Jak tak to mniej więcej o której i czy dużo klikaliście?

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - musiek01 - 02-01-2015 21:27

Mnie się udało o 21:02 z PP za pierwszym razem.

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - kolorpurpury - 02-01-2015 21:29

Kampanie z paypala kupione - niestety troszkę mi brakło do wyższej grupy ale jest spoko. Plus mam jeszcze akcje.

Tymczasem polecam zapoznanie się z tym:

- Multiplayer Draw Poker (BAP GAME)
- Shut The Box... Fix flawed competition structure
- Pyramid Solitaire Game (Cash + BAP)
- Three Towers BAP Version

- Gaming Investment Plan

- Member Chatrooms

- Crowd Based FAQ

- Share BuyBack Portfolio Product

- Shareholder Marketplace Improvements

- Bulk Buy/Sell
- Auto Refresh Displays
- Add graph to share marketplace - like http://www.btc-e.com
- Stats: Cumulative Costs, to raise price to $___ etc.
- Improve shareholder marketplace buys/bids process - like http://www.btc-e.com
- Adjust fee structure, charging on submission. Not completion.

- Shareholder Control Panel Improvements

- Shareholder Chatroom(s)
- Account History (Smart Graph / Filtering Options)
- Support Ticket Help
- User Notes / Discussion
- Pending Cashout Filters & Investigation Tools/Tips
- 0.5% additional cashout fee. For shareholders underwrite the cashout via value of shares.
- Crowd Based Approval System, to edit the PV news page.
- Enable "BAP Fines" when ediing PV ad campaigns.

- Give Carlos access to Bank Wire Pending Cashouts + Deposits
- Give Carlos access to Bank Wire Support Tickets

- Bring Proramming Queue On-Site / Crowd Source Ideas & Specifications

- Allow users to submit ideas & take credit
- Allow shareholders to promote user ideas to programming queue
- Allow programmers to bill hours & justify work done via the website.
- Create "overheads page" where all bills can be logged, and later assigned to a portfolio product.
- Create product ownership marketplace; up to 50% of each portfolio product can be bought/sold.

- Create API's & submission system for 3rd party developers to build their own products.

- General Site Improvements

- Validations & Error Messages (Bulk Ad Buys, More Descriptive Error Messaging)
- Account History (Smart Graph / Filtering)
- Sensible Gaming Options (Cash + BAP)
- FTQ Upgrade: https://freedcamp.com/General_twZ_5W5/PaidVerts_7o5/todos/1778490/
- Portfolio/Result Card Change for PaidVerts... Create category, listing individual products.
- New User Guided Tour (MTV + PV)
- Forum... improve compatibility!
- Pagination Improvements - select which page to jump to
- Download Account Data: Export Account History, Export Referral Info
- System Stats Dashboard, Big Investor Lists, Currency Usage Graphs.
- Create "Staff Wanted" page. Pitch for new programmers to submit cv's

- Undo Balance Transfer Option
- Allow users to transfer funds too from PayPal, Payza, Neteller Balances.
- Admin: Pause 'Cancel Cashouts' user Function

- New Day Cron: Auto post daily news topic + pay fast tracks + update result cards.
- Forum Topics: Filter posts/replies via username (eg: only show posts by jo in the daily news)

- Account Login + Security

- Alternative Captcha System
- Google Authenticator
- Two Factor Authentication (login + cashouts)
- Block Un-Used Payment Processors
- Account Time-Lock Security Function
- Automated Password Reset (no emails required) via Payment Processors

- Account Verification Documents Upload & Approval (to be required for Bank Wire Deposits + Cashouts)

- Payment Processors

- Payza Upgrade https://freedcamp.com/General_twZ_5W5/PaidVerts_7o5/todos/1802133/
- PayPal: Improve error handling regarding cashouts (denied funds)

- Skrill (Pending Carlos)
- Payoneer (Pending Carlos)
- Credit Cards (Pending Braintree)

- Add more crypto-currencies
- Develop a marketplace where cryptocurrencies can be exchanged for dollars, between users buying/selling. (Will require BitCoin balances in both USD and BTC)

- PaidVerts Improvements

- Add BAP Group: 500m+ to members main page
- Show BAP Group Ad Issues in member navigation
- Ad Preview Function, for campaign profiles.
- Payment Proof Page
- Facebook Integration, publishing high value clicks, ad buys, weekly earnings, ref earnings.
- Banners: Allow 468 banners in top spot.
- Banner Display Priorities: 50% oldest campaign, 50% random
- Banner Impressions Ad Option (+ merge MTV and PV ad systems into one)
- Banner Impressions Ad Option: Exclusive Banner (non-rotating, 728 and/or all 125 spots)
- Bulk Ad Campaigns: Rapid Delivery Option. Costs 10% more. Creates 45x$0.001 + 5x $0.011 ads per dollar.
- BAP History Filter (admin, SHP + user)
- Recycler Pro Upgrades: 6month expiry. $0.05-$5 pack options. Better Stats / Reporting for each upgrade.
- New User Experience Ad Packs
- Bulk Ad Recycle Times Upgrade Option: 24hr, 48hr, 96hr, 168hr options
- Add text tips to green space at top of PV ad view page.
- Improve / expand public user profiles (mtv + pv)
- Ad Clicks Grid Game

- Admin: Show me a summary / log of all ads issued each day. Admin submissions. 1%. SU. etc
- Admin: URL Blacklist for ad campaigns
- Admin: Hourly Random Ad Distributor
- Admin: Cron improvements... override option to force process all ads.

- PV ToolBar (Chrome / Firefox / Internet Explorer)
- PV Mobile App / Widget

Na mnie robi to wrażenie i jeśli uda się to wszystko wprowadzić plus dojdą nowe pomysły to program będzie bardzo stabilny. Oby jak najwięcej dodatkowych źródeł czystego dochodu Smile Rok 2015 zapowiada się ciekawie Smile

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - SurpriseYT - 02-01-2015 21:31

21:02 - wpłaciłem bez najmniejszego problemu PayPal. Czaiłem się na inwestycje.

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - Lamojednorożec - 02-01-2015 21:32

"Czaiłem się na inwestycje" idealnie współgra z Twoim avkiem Big Grin

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - groszek1112 - 02-01-2015 22:44

jestem w 3 grupie warto kupic juz upgrade flirt na te nizsze reklamy ?? a jak tak to na ile go ustawic

RE: PaidVerts - program typu Rev Share - SmigolMarek - 02-01-2015 22:46

Jak już to radzę ustawić na 0,01$ takie jest moje zdanie inni mogą mieć inne zdanie