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[Shop] Xbox 4gb, PS3 Blu-ray remote - Wersja do druku

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Strony: 1 2

RE: [Shop] Xbox 4gb, PS3 Blu-ray remote - Bramkiro - 14-04-2011 10:54

HI !

We wanted to let you know that the following item from your order has been cancelled.

Order Number: 300129131
Order Date: 2011-04-13 12:12:37
Xbox 360 4 GB Game System
E01-02-M001-00778-NNN99-NSZ 1 $4.00 2011-04-14 00:35:09
Your prize order was canceled because our fraud team found account activity that violates our Terms of Use. Feel free to review those terms here http://www.lockerz.com/terms for further clarification. Our aim is to build an online community based on respect. Cheating is not fair to other members who earn their PTZ legitimately, and is not in line with our goal for a respectful community.

We might be taking away the PTZ associated with this purchase as a penalty if we suspect fraudulent activity. This is a final decision and is non-negotiable. Additionally, any PTZ that were earned as a result will be cancelled.

However, we believe in second chances here at Lockerz, so we’d like to offer you one. As long as you keep your account activity clean moving forward, you are welcome to make future purchases.

If you have any questions about your Shop order, please submit your question through our Member Support contact form.


The Lockerz Crew

I tyle mam po Xboxie, czyżby wykryli LPA czy mam po prostu wielkiego pecha?

RE: [Shop] Xbox 4gb, PS3 Blu-ray remote - Bramkiro - 15-04-2011 14:53

no i jest potwierdzenie wysyłki, dubel dla odświeżenia.
ajtualizacja 1 post

RE: [Shop] Xbox 4gb, PS3 Blu-ray remote - Lontek - 15-04-2011 16:15

Nie wiem jak to zrobiłeś ale GZ Big Grin

RE: [Shop] Xbox 4gb, PS3 Blu-ray remote - Bramkiro - 15-04-2011 18:34

Nie powiem, aczkolwiek przekonałem się, że oni nie szukają problemów prawnych i mądre nastraszenie ODPOWIEDNIMI służbami zadziałało. Nawet mnie przeprosili za problem.

RE: [Shop] Xbox 4gb, PS3 Blu-ray remote - Bramkiro - 26-04-2011 16:59

[Obrazek: 9ee9f0241a9bf36ca9c284c.jpg]

Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/b]

RE: [Shop] Xbox 4gb, PS3 Blu-ray remote - ka48 - 10-06-2011 14:01

Szkoda xboxa bo ma blokadę regionalną.