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Phishing - AlertPay - Wersja do druku

+- Praca w domu - Dodatkowa Praca - Zarabianie przez Internet (https://zarabiam.com)
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+--- Dział: Systemy Płatności Internetowych (/Forum-Systemy-Platnosci-Internetowych-206)
+---- Dział: Payza (/Forum-Payza-332)
+---- Wątek: Phishing - AlertPay (/Temat-Phishing-AlertPay-23670)

Phishing - AlertPay - makaj - 29-07-2008 09:08

Dzisiaj z rana powitała mnie następująca wiadomość:

[quote:-|ca7b64bcf]** ALERTPAY: IMPORTANT NOTICE**

Due to the growing of our site Alertpay and the terms you have already accepted at the time of registering, you must update your password every time we request for it. It is just for security issues and to verify that you are an active member of our site. For that reason we beg you to update your personal information through this link which directly links you with your email account in order to vein order to verify that you are the real owner.

http://www.aIertpay.com or http://www.aIertpay.com/login.aspx

When you change your password, it gives us the enough information to know that you are an active member and that way all your investments that you get from your referrals from our site will be instantly accredited after you change your password.

Thank you for using AlertPay!
The AlertPay Team

NEVER give your password to anyone, including AlertPay employees.
Protect yourself against fraudulent websites or emails by opening a new web browser window (e.g. Internet Explorer or
Netscape) and typing in the http://www.aIertpay.com every time you log in to your account.
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, login to your AlertPay account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any AlertPay homepage
Copyright Š 2008. All rights reserved. Alertpay[/quote:-|ca7b64bcf]

[size=16:-|ca7b64bcf][color=red:-|ca7b64bcf]Nie należy wchodzić pod wskazany adres! Strona została spreparowana w celu wykradania haseł.[/color:-|ca7b64bcf][/size:-|ca7b64bcf]

W adresie w sprytny sposób zmieniono "l" na "i". No i oczywiście strona łudząco podobna do prawdziwej AP.

- JereManU - 29-07-2008 09:14

Ciekawe dlaczego do mnie to nie doszło... :?:

- audia4 - 29-07-2008 10:43

ja dostałem tego maila ale dobry był adres strony

- makaj - 29-07-2008 10:55

Dobrze to mógł tylko w mailu wyglądać.

I co, wszedłeś i zmieniłeś hasło? :-P